Faculty Workloads1

All full-time faculty members participate in some combination of instructional; research; scholarship; and creative and service activities that have been established to encourage the general development of Northeastern University students. Given that academic units vary in their contributions to the University mission, components of the workload policy will vary from one department or unit to another. However, each academic unit must have a comprehensive workload policy in accordance with criteria jointly approved by the University’s provost and the Faculty Senate.2 Each unit’s workload policy must be approved by a vote of the full-time faculty of the academic unit and be approved by the College dean and the provost. Faculty workloads are administered by the appropriate academic unit head and/or college deans.

  1. Approved by the Faculty Senate 29-0-0 on 4/5/17; approved by the Board of Trustees 6/7/17.
  2. Criteria for the Development and Display of Full-time Faculty Workload Policies at Northeastern University in its entirety is found on the Northeastern University Faculty Senate Website.