Dismissal Proceedings: Full-time Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Full-time Non-Tenure Track Faculty
An administrative officer who intends to request that dismissal proceedings for a full-time non-tenure track faculty member begin should do so only when there is clear evidence to show adequate cause for dismissal. Except in an unusually serious or sudden case of gross personal misconduct (including sexual harassment), gross neglect of duty, breach of contract, or unfitness in one’s professional capacity, a request for dismissal proceedings should come forth only after a history of prior formal disciplinary action has been established.
Non-renewal of contract at its term expiration or notice of non-renewal for fulltime non-tenure track faculty is not dismissal for purposes of this policy.1
- Prior to dismissal, the faculty member should be furnished with written notice and an explanation (together “the Notice”) of the grounds for the intended dismissal by the College Dean (“the Dean”) or their designee.
- The faculty member may submit a written response to the Notice and may request an opportunity to meet with the Dean or their designee to respond and present information pertaining to the basis for the intended dismissal.
- The faculty member’s written response and/or request for a meeting should be submitted within 7 calendar days after receiving the Notice
- If the faculty member requests a meeting with the Dean or their designee, the faculty member should be given reasonable opportunity to attend a meeting within 7 calendar days after requesting the meeting.
- If, after the steps in Part B, the Dean or designee decides to proceed with dismissal, the Dean or designee should provide a written dismissal decision to the faculty member within 7 calendar days after the later of the meeting between the faculty member and the Dean or designee’s or the faculty member’s receipt of the Notice.
- Within 7 calendar days of receiving the dismissal decision in Part C, the faculty member may appeal the dismissal decision with the Provost. Grounds for appeal are: 1) failure to follow procedural steps; and 2) new evidence discovered that was not available at the time of the dean’s review and decision.
- Upon receipt of the appeal request, the Provost or the Provost’s designee requests the Senate Agenda Committee to form an impartial review committee, within 7 calendar days, consisting of 5 full-time faculty members, not part of the department or equivalent academic unit to which the faculty member who submitted the appeal belongs. The grievance officer of the Senate Agenda Committee acts as the liaison between the Provost or Provost’s designee and the impartial review committee.he faculty member’s written response and/or request for a meeting should be submitted within 7 calendar days after receiving the Notice
- The Provost or designee will provide the impartial review committee with the Notice, the faculty member’s written response, and the Dean’s or designee’s decision. With confidentiality, the committee will review this information and provide a recommendation to the Provost regarding the dismissal case, determined by majority vote, within 7 calendar days of receipt of documentation.
- Within 7 calendar days of receiving the impartial review committee’s recommendation, The Provost or the Provost’s designee, shall communicate their decision in writing to the faculty member.
The decision of the Provost or the Provost’s designee is final.
The Faculty Grievance Procedure shall not apply to this Dismissal Procedure or any final action taken pursuant to it.
1. See also Faculty Handbook Modules titled Faculty Discipline and Appointments, Terms and Reappointments.