
Annual Report

Date Passed Number Description Vote Action by Provost Action by Board of Trustees Outcome Summary Committee
09/17/2014 1

Faculty Handbook module: “Non-tenure-track Research Faculty

30-0-0 Approved
10/02/2017 2

Dept name change-Dept of Pharmacy Practice to Department of Pharmacy and Health System Sciences

30-0-0 Approved
10/29/2014 3

Dept name change: Dept of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology to Communication Sciences and Disorders

30-0-0 Approved
11/12/2014 4

BFA in Games in CAMD

34-0-0 Approved
12/03/2014 5

BS in Bioengineering

32-0-0 Approved
01/21/2015 6

Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate support the recommendation of the Financial Affairs Committee for a merit and equity raise pool increase of 4% in the fiscal years 2016, effective 1 July 2015

23-1-8 Not Required
Not Required
01/21/2015 7

BS in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) in the CSSH

01/21/2015 8

Degree elimination in CPS:
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Computer Engineering Technology
Electrical Engineering Technology

32-0-0 Approved
Not Required
01/21/2015 9

Recommendation from Senate Committee for full-time non-tenure-track Faculty

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish new titles as follows:

Faculty members currently at the rank of Assistant Academic Specialist who hold a field-appropriate terminal degree may be appointed to the title of Assistant Teaching Professor;

Faculty members currently at the rank of Associate Academic Specialist who hold a field-appropriate terminal degree may be appointed to the title of Associate Teaching Professor; and

Faculty members currently at the rank of Senior Academic Specialist who hold a field-appropriate terminal degree may be appointed to the title of Teaching Professor.

It will be at the discretion of each College to adopt the Teaching Professor title series and to consider other terminally qualified full-time, non-tenure-track faculty members for appointment in these titles.

Faculty members in the Teaching Professor ranks shall be entitled to those procedures in the Faculty Handbook pertaining to Academic Specialists.

31-0-0 Approved
Not Required
04/08/2015 10

BE IT RESOLVED That the School of Education in the College of Professional Studies be renamed to the Graduate School of Education as approved by the CPS Academic Council for Lifelong Learning (9-0-0).

33-0-0 Approved
Not Required
04/08/2015 11

BE IT RESOLVED That the Senate approve the proposed updated Core to be effective at the fall 2016 semester.

25-7-2 Approved
Not Required
04/08/2015 12

BE IT RESOLVED That, as of the 2015-16 academic year,
1. Each college (Bouvé College of Health Sciences, College of Arts, Media and Design, College of Computer and Information Science, College of Social Science and Humanities, College of Engineering, College of Science, College of Professional Studies, D’Amore McKim School of Business, and School of Law) is encouraged to select one faculty member by February 1 of each year for a [name of College or donor] Excellence in Teaching Award. Each college may determine for itself the eligibility criteria and procedure for its Award, with the exception that significant student participation is required. If the college wishes to nominate its Award recipient for the University Excellence in Teaching Award, it should forward the recipient’s name and an explanation of why the recipient was chosen to the Faculty Senate Office by February 1.

2. The University-wide Excellence in Teaching Award process, last amended on 6 October 1997, is discontinued. In its stead, the following provisions shall apply:

a. The University Excellence in Teaching Awards Selection Committee shall consist of four faculty members (with two-year staggered terms) chosen by the Senate Agenda Committee; an undergraduate student chosen by the Student Government Association; a graduate student chosen by the Graduate Student Association; and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, who will chair the Committee.

b. The Committee will choose two of that year’s college award recipients to receive the University Excellence in Teaching Award who will be honored at the University Honors Convocation.

34-1-0 Approved
Not Required
04/22/2015 13

BE IT RESOLVED that the University establish the Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology in the College of Science as approved by the UUCC on 25 March 2015 (11-0-0).

04/29/2015 14

BE IT RESOLVED that the name of the Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology be changed to the Department of Applied Psychology as approved by the Department faculty and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences.

31-0-0 Approved
Not Required
04/29/2015 15

BE IT RESOLVED that admissions to the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Program in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences be suspended as approved by the UUCC on 9 April 2015 (9-0-0).

31-0-0 Approved
Not Required
04/29/2015 16

BE IT RESOLVED that the existing academic withdrawal date be extended to reading day, typically the last business day before final exams begin, as approved by the UUCC on 9 April 2015 (9-0-0).

17-13-0 Approved
Not Required
04/29/2015 17

BE IT RESOLVED that the ‘Master of Fine Arts: Studio’ be changed to the ‘Master of Fine Arts: Interdisciplinary Arts’ with concurrent program revisions in the College of Arts, Media and Design as approved by the Graduate Council on 15 April 2015 (6-0-0)

30-0-0 Approved
Not Required
04/29/2015 18

BE IT RESOLVED that the University establish the Master of Public Policy in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities as approved by the Graduate Council on 15 April 2015 (7-0-0).

04/29/2015 19

BE IT RESOLVED that the University establish the MA in Environmental Science and Policy in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and the College of Science as approved by the Graduate Council on 15 April 2015 (6-0-0).

Not Required
04/29/2015 20

BE IT RESOLVED that the University establish the Graduate Certificate in Arts Administration and Cultural Entrepreneurship in the College of Arts, Media and Design as approved by the Graduate Council on 15 April 2015 (7-0-0).

31-0-0 Approved
Not Required