Date Passed Number Description Vote Action by Provost Action by Board of Trustees Outcome Summary Committee
09/15/2021 1

BE IT RESOLVED That the updated Bylaws of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC), as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in April 2021, replace the current Bylaws.

27-0-0 Approved
Not Required
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
11/17/2021 2

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Masters of Professional Studies in Insurance Analytics and Management in the College of Professional Studies as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 13 October 2021 (17-0-0).

29-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/17/2021 3

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Arts in Security & Intelligence Studies in the College of Professional Studies as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 13 October 2021 (17-0-0).

29-1-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/17/2021 4

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Masters of Science in Real-World Evidence in Healthcare and Life Sciences in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 27 October 2021 (17-0-0).

30-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
12/01/2021 5

BE IT RESOLVED That the updated Graduate Council Bylaws replace the current Graduate Council Bylaws (dated 12.2.20), as edited and recommended by the Graduate Associate Deans and Network.

29-0-0 Approved
Not Required
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
01/19/2022 6

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) in Healthcare Leadership in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 10 November 2021 (14-0-0).

32-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
02/16/2022 7

BE IT RESOLVED That the recommended raise pool for merit for FY 2023 be 8.0% at a minimum, of continuing salaries starting on July 1, 2022.

29-0-0 Approved
Not Required
Financial Affairs Committee
02/16/2022 8

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Media Innovation and Data Communication as approved by the Graduate Council, 26 January, 2022 (16-0-0).

30-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
02/16/2022 9

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Interdisciplinary Master of Fine Arts (MFA) as approved by the Graduate Council 26 January, 2022 (16-0-0)

29-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
02/16/2022 10

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) as approved by the Graduate Council 26 January, 2022 (16-0-0)

29-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
02/16/2022 11

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Advanced Entry as approved by the Graduate Council 26 January, 2022 (16-0-0)

29-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/23/2022 12

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Cell and Gene Therapies, MS in the College of Science as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 23 February 2022 (17-0-0).

27-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/23/2022 13

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Engineering, MS in the College of Engineering as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 23 February 2022 (17-0-0).

27-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/23/2022 14

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Product Development, MS in the College of Engineering as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 23 February 2022 (17-0-0).

25-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/23/2022 15

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Wireless and Network Engineering, MS in the College of Engineering as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 23 February 2022 (17-0-0).

24-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
04/06/2022 16

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Professional Studies in Applied Logistics in the College of Professional Studies as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 9 March 2022, (14-0-0).

23-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
04/06/2022 17

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Internet of Things in the College of Engineering as approved by the Graduate Council Committee on 9 March 2022, (14-0-0).

25-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
04/06/2022 18

WHEREAS combined majors across colleges represent a large and increasing percentage of the undergraduate student population and students pursuing combined majors should not face unnecessary impediments due to college boundaries

BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate recommend that the Office of the Provost works with Administrative Advisory Group and Associate Deans across colleges to implement a policy where a student is assigned two academic advisors, one for each side of a combined-major (perhaps a primary and secondary advisor to maintain developmental relationships), so that students have direct access to timely information and advisors for both areas of their degree and consider the required effort when allocating resources.

27-0-0 Not Approved

Enrollment and Admissions Policy Committee
04/06/2022 19

BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost and Chancellor's offices, College Deans and Department Chairs review the results of the Faculty Senate survey and the 2021-2022 RPOC report and develop an action plan for next academic year to increase efficiency of current research related processes discussed therein.

24-0-0 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/06/2022 20

BE IT RESOLVED that the office of the Provost adopt the template for research charter agreements for all shared resources, including shared space and equipment from the 2021-2022 RPOC report.

25-0-0 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/06/2022 21

BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost’s Office should support, and advocate for, expansion of the HSRP personnel to deal with the increasing demands of the University in alignment with our R1 status.

24-0-0 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/20/2022 22

BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost’s Office should ensure that the IT capabilities of HSRP are expanded, and that they are afforded every opportunity to work with the developers to ensure better integration of systems.

29-0-0 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/20/2022 23

BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate should support, and advocate for, increasing NU-RES capacity in alignment with their already agreed upon hiring strategy, and including
IT improvements.

30-0-0 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/20/2022 24

BE IT RESOLVED that the 2022-2023 faculty senate charge the RPOC committee to conduct a feasibility study of each college to determine whether the demand for stock rooms on campus would alleviate current supply chain shortages.

32-0-1 Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/20/2022 25

BE IT RESOLVED that the 2022-2023 faculty senate charge the RPOC committee to conduct a survey of all colleges to assess space allocations to ensure that, where possible, labs and offices are co-located and make concrete recommendations for an IT solution to house this information going forward.

24-8-3 Not Approved

Research Policy Oversight Committee
04/20/2022 26

WHEREAS given the importance of mental health on campus as evidenced by the recent creation and distribution of the Faculty Guide: Supporting Student Mental Health by Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University Health and Counseling Services, and the Office for Prevention and Education at the University, the increased presence of the student organization Active Minds at Northeastern, and the prominence of the JED Foundation as the Leading organization with the best practices assisting college campuses across the country on the emotional health of students.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate recommend that the Office of the Provost collaborates with Vice Chancellor, Wellness and Student Success, in the University’s Office of Student Affairs (under Senior Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs) and faculty representatives from the colleges to engage, financially support and assist in the full implementation (4-year commitment) of the JED Campus program at the University.

33-0-0 Not Approved

Enrollment and Admissions Policy Committee
04/20/2022 27

Whereas not all colleges have college-level stand-alone FTNTT promotion committees,

BE IT RESOLVED that stand-alone FTNTT promotion committees are established at the college level where the majority of the committee is comprised of FTNTT faculty members at or above the rank to which the candidate is seeking promotion.

30-0-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 28

BE IT RESOLVED that Informal or ad-hoc mentoring activities, as described in the best practices, be made more visible to faculty, and colleges or units should be proactive in making those mentoring opportunities available to FTNTT faculty.

30-0-0 Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 29

BE IT RESOLVED that college governance bodies formalize mentoring circles for college faculty, adopting the model used by CPS and ADVANCE.

28-0-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 30

Whereas not all colleges have developed written college-level FTNTTF promotion guidelines, and some colleges have detailed guidelines for what qualifications are necessary for promotion, and whereas this level of detail seems desirable in the interest of transparency (See Appendix A from the FTNTTFC report for an example from CPS.)

BE IT RESOLVED that all colleges work to develop written college-level FTNTTF promotion guidelines and make them accessible.

30-1-0 Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 31

BE IT RESOLVED that ADVANCE and the Provost’s Office shall develop programming around writing a good fellowship proposal, including panelists that previously had fellowships. We suggest the programming begin in the 2022/2023 academic year.

27-0-0 Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 32

BE IT RESOLVED that for the purposes of equity review, the Provost’s Office shall provide Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Faculty with the equivalent salary data provided to tenure-stream faculty. This data shall be provided for each rank in each department/unit where there are at least four (4) FTNTT faculty at that rank.

27-1-1 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 33

BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost’s office, in cooperation with the colleges, shall investigate for discrepancies in pay due to gender or BIPOC status, further breaking down available data,(from IPEDS) by discipline to identify underlying issues present by any protected class within each department.

28-2-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 34

Whereas the Provost’s Office indicates that they have begun the process of polling the Colleges about what college-level administrative positions are available to FTNTT faculty,

BE IT RESOLVED that administrative and leadership positions shall be open equally to all faculty, TT and FTNTT alike, unless specifically designated in writing otherwise, and that a list of leadership positions that are and are not open to faculty members shall be made available to all faculty on each college’s website, identifying the ranks to which positions are open

28-2-0 Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 35

BE IT RESOLVED that title consolidation shall continue across colleges; specifically, Academic Specialists (Asst, Assoc, and Full) and Instructor titles be similarly transitioned to commensurate Lecturer or
Teaching Professor titles, based on each college's workload and promotion policies.

27-1-0 Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 36

BE IT RESOLVED that NU shall render best efforts to match NU titles with the salary data acquired from the Colonial Group/G14 salary exchange.

25-1-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 37

Whereas there is a wide range in expectations for promotion for FTNTT faculty due to differences in practice across disciplines, it may not be feasible, or even desirable, to standardize promotion expectations. Therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that every rank of FTNTT faculty shall have available and accessible the specific criteria for promotion by discipline be provided by Associate Deans of Faculty Affairs in each college and made available on the college website.

27-0-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 38

BE IT RESOLVED that the Northeastern University Faculty Handbook be updated to include guiding principles for FTNTTF in case of contract non-renewal or contract terminations including:

1.Transparency of decision-making on the non-renewal. In alignment with AAUP guidelines, FTNTTF receive documentation with the rationale for non-renewal/non-reappointment decision for any reason, whether it is related to cause or not;
2.In alignment with AAUP guidelines, that faculty have the right to appeal the decision within 90 days;
3.Utmost good faith effort will be made to reassign the FTNTTF whose non-re-appointment is not due to cause to another position at the University;
4.Advertisements to fill vacancies caused by termination of FTNTTF will not take place until a 90-day appeal period is reached.

25-1-0 Not Approved

Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/20/2022 39

BE IT RESOLVED that faculty in units undergoing the equity process receive college wide compensation data 1 month in advance of the time they are eligible.

23-1-1 Not Approved

Finacial Affairs Committee
04/20/2022 40

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provost and HR work with units to support a transparent process with clear timelines and proper templates and share smart practices among the units.

24-1-0 Not Approved

Financial Affairs Committee
04/20/2022 41

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the heads of units identify and encourage faculty members to apply for equity adjustments, particularly those who may be part of under-represented groups such as women, racial minorities, and non-cis gender people.

24-1-0 Not Approved

Financial Affairs Committee
04/20/2022 42

WHEREAS the GEO Faculty Advisory Board (GEFAB) was established in 2019 by the Office of the Chancellor and the Provost to act (in part) as a conduit between GEO and DOC faculty leaders, and WHEREAS

GEFAB, composed of faculty members with DOC and/or global learning experience across multiple colleges plus a representative from Faculty Senate,

BE IT RESOLVED that a Faculty Senate liaison be appointed to GEFAB by SAC as soon as possible.

24-0-0 Approved

Faculty Development Committee
04/20/2022 43

BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost Office through ADVANCE take a more active role in advising, assessing, and supporting mentoring efforts in the colleges and in the units within the colleges.

22-0-0 Approved

Faculty Development Committee
04/20/2022 44

Whereas CATLR and Canvas have several types of SETs and faculty survey findings suggest a lack of awareness of such tools,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT all College Associate Deans of Academic Affairs communicate the available university resources and processes for midcourse SETs at the beginning of each semester.

22-0-0 Approved

Academic Policy Committee
04/20/2022 45

Whereas TRACE remains the university tool for evaluating “Teaching Effectiveness”, and some units/departments require that multiple scores/factors and or tools be used in the merit and promotion process, and faculty survey findings support multiple methods of teaching effectiveness,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Office of the Provost establish university guidelines for use of multiple “Teaching Effectiveness” evaluation methods in merit, tenure and/or promotion considerations.

22-0-0 Not Approved

Academic Policy Committee
04/20/2022 46

BE IT RESOLVED THAT University Administration (Offices of the Provost and Chancellor) in collaboration with CATLR (Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research) revise TRACE questions to improve representation of online or hybrid learning experiences, along with recognition of various learning environment lengths of engagement.

25-0-0 Not Approved

Academic Policy Committee