Date Passed Number Description Vote Action by Provost Action by Board of Trustees Outcome Summary Committee
11/02/2022 1

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Nanomedicine in the College of Science as approved by the Graduate Council 22 September, 2022 (16-0-0).

23-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/02/2022 2

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Creative Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Design in the College of Arts, Media and Design as approved by the Graduate Council 21 September, 2022 (16-0-0).

23-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/16/2022 3

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Science in Digital Transformation in the Office of the Provost as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 19 October, 2022 (16-0-1).

27-0-1 Approved
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
11/16/2022 4

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education in the Office of the Provost as approved by the Graduate Council 26 October, 2022 (13-0-0).

32-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/16/2022 5

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership in the Office of the Provost as approved by the Graduate Council 26 October, 2022 (13-0-0).

32-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/16/2022 6

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Arts in Multiple Subject Education in the Office of the Provost as approved by the Graduate Council 26 October, 2022 (13-0-0).

32-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
11/16/2022 7

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Arts in Single Subject Education in the Office of the Provost as approved by the Graduate Council 26 October, 2022 (13-0-0).

32-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
01/18/2023 8

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Arts in Global Asian Studies as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on 7 December, 2022 (16-0-0)

30-0-1 Approved
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
01/18/2023 9

WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook calls for the Senate to be consulted on proposals of faculty concern, including such matters as the creation of new colleges, new campuses, and new departments;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mills College at Northeastern be established as the 10th college of Northeastern University.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mills College at Northeastern be authorized to offer degrees.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT new degree programs proposed by Mills College at Northeastern must follow the approval processes of the university.

29-0-1 Approved
Not Required
Complete Senate Agenda Committee
01/18/2023 10

BE IT RESOLVED that the recommended raise pool for merit for FY 2024 be 8.7% at a minimum, of continuing salaries starting on July 1, 2023.

28-0-2 Not Approved
Not Required
Financial Affairs Committee
03/01/2023 11

WHEREAS Mills College at Northeastern has been established as the tenth college of Northeastern University;
And WHEREAS the Faculty Senate of Northeastern University requires elected faculty from each degree granting college or school to participate in its shared governance model;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Faculty Handbook section titled Faculty Senate Bylaws is updated as follows:
3. Composition
The Faculty senate comprises elected faculty members, the Provost, and six administrators who are full-time members of the faculty appointed by the President or their designee. There shall be no less than two elected faculty members from each degree granting college, with the total number of senators (rounded to the nearest whole number) determined by two percent of the total number of full-time faculty equivalents in each college. Faculty members are elected by and from the full-time faculty of the degree granting Colleges.

30-0-0 Approved
Complete Senate Agenda Committee
03/01/2023 12

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Section 3b of the Faculty Senate Bylaws be updated as follows:
The term of office for elected Senate members shall be two years and run from July 1 of the first academic year to June 30 of the second academic year. In case of a vacancy during a term, a special election shall be held to select a member for the unexpired portion. A member may serve two successive full terms. A member who has just completed two successive full terms is eligible for reelection a year later. Full-time faculty members of the Senate shall be elected proportionately from the following degree-granting colleges and schools: Bouvé College of Health Sciences, College of Arts Media and Design, Khoury College of Computer Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Professional Studies, College of Science, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Mills College at Northeastern and the School of Law. Each of these degree granting colleges and schools shall have at least two Senate representatives, but those with larger faculties shall have correspondingly more representatives equivalent to two percent of the total full-time faculty equivalents of the degree granting college or school. In the spring semester of every year, prior to the election, the Senate Agenda Committee will announce the number of Senate seats to be given to each degree granting college or school for the following year. Its determination shall be based upon the number of full-time faculty equivalents in each of the degree granting colleges or schools on February 1.

29-0-0 Approved
Complete Senate Agenda Committee
03/01/2023 13

BE IT RESOLVED That the “Graduate Council” be renamed the “University Graduate Curriculum Committee,” and the “Graduate Council Bylaws” be renamed the “University Graduate Curriculum Committee Bylaws,” as recommended by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

23-1-0 Approved
Not Required
Complete University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 14

BE IT RESOLVED That the updated Graduate Council Bylaws replace the current Graduate Council Bylaws, as edited, and recommended by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

26-1-2 Approved
Not Required
Complete University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 15

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Science in Health Humanities and Health Science in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and Bouvé College of Health Sciences as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on 1 March 2023 (17-0-0).

26-0-0 Approved

University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 16

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Arts in Health Humanities and Public Health in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and Bouvé College of Health Sciences as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on 1 March 2023 (17-0-0).

26-0-0 Approved

University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 17

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations in the College of Arts Media and Design as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 15 February 2023, (16-0-0).

27-0-0 Approved
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 18

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Climate Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering as approved by the Graduate Council Committee 22 February 2023, (14-0-0).

29-0-0 Approved
University Graduate Curriculum Committee
03/29/2023 19

BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Handbook Committee of 2023-2024 be charged to add language to the faculty handbook outlining the one faculty model.

28-0-0 Approved
Assume that the Faculty Handbook Committee is working on this charge. Full Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
04/12/2023 20

WHEREAS over the past year the Northeastern University Library has achieved integration at the operations level with the Mills College Library;

WHEREAS the Mills Library’s special collections are a unique resource with value to the entire Northeastern community; and

WHEREAS Northeastern University has staff with world-class experience in library digitization;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Library should allocate resources and staff to digitizing important parts of Mills’ special collections to make them available for teaching and research.

25-1-0 Approved
Not Required
Underway. The Library is buying new equipment for Mills and planning how they would process materials and upload it to the library’s Digital Repository Service. Library and Information Collaboration Committee
04/12/2023 21

WHEREAS publishing research articles by faculty, staff, and students is a fundamental part of Northeastern’s mission;

and WHEREAS individual faculty and their deans have often paid for publishers’ publication charges out of their individual research funds;

BE IT RESOLVED that the University provost, deans, and librarian adopt a holistic approach to allocating funds for library subscription and publication costs and enter into flat-fee agreements whenever possible.

26-0-0 Approved
Not Required
Ongoing. The Library has reached neutral-cost or near-neutral cost transformative agreements (“Read & Publish”) with numerous publishers over the last year. All agreements can be found here: https://library.northe astern.edu/resource_disco very/open-accesspublishing/ Library and Information Collaboration Committee
04/12/2023 22

WHEREAS Snell Library, as the hub of 24-hour student studying, is at capacity especially during its renovation;

and WHEREAS the availability of study spaces in other locations is distributed among different entities within the University;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Library, Registrar, and representatives from individual colleges coordinate on providing students with tools to find study space.

26-0-0 Approved
Not Required
Complete. There have been significant improvements made to spaces.northeastern.edu. Library and Information Collaboration Committee
04/12/2023 23

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Law in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business and the School of Law as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on 5 April 2023 (15-0-0).

28-0-0 Approved
Complete University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
04/12/2023 24

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Bachelor of Science in Computing and Law in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and School of Law as approved by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on 5 April 2023 (15-0-0).

28-0-0 Approved
Complete University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
04/12/2023 25

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Master of Science in Extended Realities in the College of Arts Media and Design as approved by the University Graduate Curriculum Committee 5 April 2023, (16-0-0).

26-0-1 Approved
Complete University Graduate Curriculum Committee
04/12/2023 26

BE IT RESOLVED That the University establish the Doctor of Philosophy in Human Behavior and Sustainability Sciences in the College of Science as approved by the University Graduate Curriculum Committee 22 March 2023, (11-0-0).

25-0-0 Approved
Complete University Graduate Curriculum Committee
04/12/2023 27

WHEREAS the FAC conducted a thorough review of the Northeastern University retirement plan, WHEREAS the NEU retirement plan currently has assets exceeding $2B and nearly 9,000 participants, with two recordkeepers, viz. Fidelity and TIAA-CREF, and WHEREAS FAC identified several potential areas of improvement related to the plan’s fund menu, fees, and quality of reporting to plan participants,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Provost bring to attention of the appropriate office for evaluation several cost-saving actions including (1) negotiating a uniform dollar-per-participant record-keeping fee, (2) using lowest cost mutual fund share classes preferably those without embedded revenue sharing, (3) moving to a single record-keeper, and (4) prohibiting plan recordkeepers from soliciting or suggesting investment products outside the plan, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Provost bring to the attention of the appropriate office for evaluation the following actions, namely (5) the investment committee membership should be broadened to include participants with retirement plan expertise, and (6) that all members of the investment committee are ensured to have training in their fiduciary responsibilities, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Provost bring to the attention of the appropriate office for evaluation the following action, namely (7) a plan participant committee should be established to review the plan annually and suggest improvements to the retirement plan, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that (8) participant education should be provided independent of recordkeeper-provided advice, and (9) communication and website design should be improved to better convey information to plan participants.

28-0-0 Approved
Not Required
Completed by the Provost; Tom Nedell and Michele Grazulis met with the Financial Affairs Committee in December 2023 and discussed each charge. Tom and Michele reported that they are working on updates to our website and that HR continues to offer educational seminars on retirement benefits. They asked the committee for additional input on the types of learning and offerings they think are important. Financial Affairs Committee
04/12/2023 28

WHEREAS The Faculty Handbook module entitled “Patent and Copyright” includes both the University Patent Policy, adopted in 1995, and an Interim Copyright Policy, last revised in 1982; and

WHEREAS The University administration proposes to adopt new University policies on intellectual property; and

WHEREAS The Faculty Handbook Committee recommends that patent and trade secret policies be treated separately from copyright policy. The Committee supports the provisions of the proposed University policies on intellectual property pertaining to patents, trade secrets, and copyright; and

WHEREAS The Committee concludes the Copyright ownership policy issue should not be overshadowed by the University’s patent and technology transfer policy; and

WHEREAS, Every faculty member produces Original Works of Authorship (“Works”), yet only a few faculty members ever produce patentable inventions or develop trade secrets; and

WHEREAS, a separate policy or an overall intellectual property policy with separate sections is preferable so that copyright policy is not lost in the midst of the complications of the patent and/or trade secret policy; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon adoption by the University administration of the new University Policies on Patent and Trade Secrets, consistent with this Resolution, the Faculty Senate shall take steps to remove from the Faculty Handbook the module entitled “Patent and Copyright.”

25-0-2 Approved
The Faculty Handbook Committee has been working closely with Andy Curtin, General Counsel for IP, to complete Patent and Copyright module Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 29

WHEREAS The Faculty Handbook module entitled “Patent and Copyright” includes both the University Patent Policy, adopted in 1995, and an Interim Copyright Policy, last revised in 1982; and

WHEREAS The University administration proposes to adopt new University policies on intellectual property; and
WHEREAS The Faculty Handbook Committee recommends that patent and trade secret policies be treated separately from copyright policy. The Committee supports the provisions of the proposed University policies on intellectual property pertaining to patents, trade secrets, and copyright; and
WHEREAS The Committee concludes the Copyright ownership policy issue should not be overshadowed by the University’s patent and technology transfer policy; and
WHEREAS, Every faculty member produces Original Works of Authorship (“Works”), yet only a few faculty members ever produce patentable inventions or develop trade secrets; and
WHEREAS, a separate policy or an overall intellectual property policy with separate sections is preferable so that copyright policy is not lost in the midst of the complications of the Patent and/or Trade Secret Policy; and
WHEREAS, Instructional Media was not defined in the Faculty Handbook; and
WHEREAS, The Committee recommends the Faculty Handbook be amended to include definitions of Traditional Academic Works and Pedagogical Works; and
WHEREAS The Committee recommends that faculty shall be deemed Authors of all Works created by them, including Traditional Academic Works and Pedagogical Works such that ownership of all rights in and to such Works shall reside solely with the faculty member who creates them; and
WHEREAS The Committee acknowledges certain Works created or developed by a faculty may be considered works made for hire for the university, namely Works created in the course of or pursuant to a grant or agreement for sponsored research between the university and a third party, or pursuant to any written agreement between a faculty member and the university expressly for the production of such Work; and
WHEREAS, The Committee acknowledges certain works created by faculty may be considered works made for hire for the university, namely administrative documents relating to the university’s decision-making processes, measures dealing with organizational, administrative or budgetary matters, or other business records which are proprietary to the university.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that faculty shall be deemed Authors of all Traditional Academic Works and Pedagogical Works created by them, such that ownership of all rights in and to such Traditional Academic Works and Pedagogical Works shall reside solely with the faculty member who creates them; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon adoption by the University administration of the University Policy on Copyright, consistent with this Resolution, the Faculty Senate shall take steps to replace the Faculty Handbook the module entitled “Instructional Media” with a policy addressing pedagogical works consistent with the Faculty Senate Handbook Committee report.

21-1-2 Approved
The Faculty Handbook Committee has been working closely with Andy Curtin, General Counsel for IP, to complete this resolution. Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 30

WHEREAS Mills College has been added as the tenth college of the university
BE IT RESOLVED that Section 2 of the College Faculties module in the Northeastern University Faculty Handbook be amended to add “j. Mills College at Northeastern”.

21-0-2 Approved
Complete Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 31

WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook module entitled Appointments, Terms and Reappointments, Section B, currently states that the term of appointment for “First level/rank (e.g., Assistant Teaching Professor) is one year”, and
WHEREAS in a competitive hiring market, units of the University report that it would be advantageous to be able to offer initial appointments of a greater duration, THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED that the Appointments, Terms and Reappointments module in the Northeastern University Faculty Handbook, Section B be amended to read “First level/rank (e.g., Assistant Teaching Professor) is at least one year and no more than two years”.

22-0-1 Approved
Complete Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 32

WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook is a living document which provides essential policy pertinent to university governance and faculty rights; and
WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook includes modules governing appointments, promotions, and tenure, rights in teaching, research and scholarship, personnel policies, and academic organization which impacts all members of the university community; and
WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook requires regular review of governance, appointments, promotions, and tenure, rights in teaching, research and scholarship, personnel policies, and academic organization therein; and
WHEREAS the Faculty Handbook should be reviewed on an annual basis by a standing committee of faculty members representative of units across the university, appointed on a rotating basis, THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate establishes a Faculty Handbook Committee as a standing committee inclusive of no less than 5 members representative of the degree- granting schools and colleges across the university, appointed by the Senate Agenda Committee to serve 2-year terms, where a minimum of no less than half of the members remain each year to fully support the transition of new members; AND
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Handbook Committee will review the faculty handbook on an annual basis, identify and research areas of concern for future action, and identify and propose changes inclusive of recommendations for new resolutions.

21-1-1 Approved
Not Required
Assume that Faculty Handbook Committee is underway with its review. Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 33

WHEREAS, The Faculty Senate is the highest faculty governance body in the University; and
WHEREAS, Resolutions passed by the Faculty Senate address significant matters of University concern and embody the Faculty Senate’s contribution to the governance of the University; and
WHEREAS, ensuring the efficacy and implementation of Resolutions passed by the Faculty Senate is a matter of utmost importance in the realization of the University’s mission; THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED, The Provost shall submit a written Faculty Senate Resolution Status Report to the Faculty Senate, each academic year no later than the first Faculty Senate meeting in January, addressing each Resolution passed by the Senate in the previous academic year, including the status of the implementation of each such Resolution, and in the event of an incomplete implementation or a lack of approval thereof, an explanation and justification in connection therewith.

23-0-2 Approved
Not Required
This document is the status report. Faculty Handbook Committee
04/12/2023 34

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Global Education Committee becomes a standing Faculty
Senate committee and the composition of that group includes representation from all
colleges and units.

22-0-3 Approved
Not Required
Complete Global Education Committee
04/12/2023 35

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Global Education Committee in consultation with GEO engage
in a review of DOC faculty recognition nominees in each college to assist in the
selection of the university finalist candidate. In instances when a Committee member is
nominated, that individual will recuse themselves from the review process.

26-2-0 Approved
Not Required
Global Education Committee is completing its charges. Global Education Committee