Senate Agenda Committee
- Arranges the agenda for all Senate meetings, submits all assignments to standing committees, and establishes ad hoc committees for special studies whenever necessary, and receives and reviews committee reports.
- Provides a regular channel for consultation and communication between the faculty and administration in matters of new programs, planning, and University policy by meeting regularly with the President and the Provost of the University.
- Participates on University-level committees that affect the academic endeavors of the University, including those dealing with issues such as financial planning and technology policy.
- Meets at least once each year with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees to report on Senate actions and issues coming before the Senate, and to discuss matters of mutual concern.
Susan Powers-Lee
Robert Hanson
Jennie Stephens
Elizabeth Howard
Nicol McGruer
Peter Desnoyers
Standing Committees
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC)
Background to the Charge
The UUCC is the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. It is composed of members across all colleges of the University including CPS and a representative of the undergraduate student body. It also includes representation from the registrar’s office and the library. The UUCC is charged by the Faculty Senate to “consider and make recommendations to the Senate concerning any proposals for undergraduate curriculum changes.” The UUCC is “the Senate’s designee in considering interdepartmental and inter-college disputes arising from matters concerning courses or programs offered or proposed.”
Committee Charge
- Rodgers, Rachel BCHS-Associate Professor
- Sceppa, Carmen BCHS-Associate Dean/Undergrad Affairs
- McDonald, Ann CAMD-Associate Professor
- Raynor, Andrea CAMD-Associate Dean
- Hescott, Ben CCIS-Teaching Professor
- Mislove, Alan CCIS-Associate Dean
- Beighley, Edward COE-Associate Professor
- Sheahan, Thomas COE-Associate Dean
- Nelson, Brent COS-Associate Dean
- Onan, Kay COS-Associate Professor
- Hodgson, Lynda CPS-Assisant Teaching Professor
- Jackson, Michael CPS-Associate Dean
- Green, Laura CSSH-Associate Dean
- Streets-Salter, Heather CSSH-Associate Professor
- Fletcher, Peggy DMSB-Associate Dean
- Larson, Barbara DMSB-Assistant Teaching Professor
- Kaeli, David Faculty-at-large
- LeDoyt, Nina Sr Assoc Registrar - non voting member
- Rogers, David Dir Degree Audits - non voting member
- Ronkin, Bruce Vice Provost-Undergrad Ed - non voting member
- Simpson, Evan Assoc Dean-Library - non voting member
Graduate Council
Committee Charge
The Graduate Council is a sub-committee of the Faculty Senate established to formulate, review, and recommend for adoption general academic policies and regulations for the creation and governance of graduate programs at Northeastern University.
- Jalili, Nadir COE
- Lieberherr, Karl CCIS
- Shatkin, Gavin PCSSH
- Mingolla, Ennio DMSB
- Chai, Win COS
- Kim, Miso CAMD
- Huselid, Mark DMSB
- Breckenridge, Lee LAW
- Zangerl, Carl CPS
Enrollment and Admissions Policy Committee (EAPC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee will maintain regular communications with University-wide planning committees;
- The Committee shall undertake questions concerning enrollment management policy, admission goals and standards, and policy regarding recruitment and retention of students; and
- The Committee shall prepare annual recommendations concerning improvements in admission standards, recruitment practices, enrollment management practices, and related areas.
Committee Charge
1) The EAPC shall continue to monitor the policies and practices of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA) and investigate the impact they have on undergraduate and graduate admissions at each college/school.
2) In spring 2018, the EAPC collaborate with the Vice President for Enrollment Management to lead the discussion in the Faculty Senate of the strategies and processes that shape the undergraduate student cohort, including follow up on the implementation of the 2016-2017 EAPC Senate resolutions.
3) The EAPC shall work with EMSA and other appropriate groups to monitor the admission policies and practices for international students and the experience of our enrolled international students and, if warranted, make recommendations for improving admissions and enrollment policies and practices.
4) The EAPC shall collaborate with the Provost’s Office to map intersection among graduate programs and, if warranted, make recommendations for improving current policies and practices.
5) Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, many be charged as they arise.
SAC would like to take this opportunity to remind all Senate Committees that section 5.f. of the Senate Bylaws states that “The Faculty Senate, through its authorized committees of representatives, shall receive information that it needs for its studies from the staff offices of the University.”
- Barczak, Gloria DMSB (Co-Chair)
- Felde, Nathan CAMD (Co-Chair)
- McDonald, Ann CAMD - Art + Design
- Sipahi, Rifat COE - Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Kumarasamy, Sundar VP Enrollment Management
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
Background to the Charge
This Committee is concerned with the rights and status of faculty personnel, including standards of tenure, promotion, and advancement for University faculty; and questions of professional development, academic freedom, and economic welfare.
Committee Charge
1) The FDC shall undertake a study of the support, including funding levels, for professional development for all categories of full-time faculty across the institution, at both the university and college level. This study would include opportunities for internally funded research/scholarship, professional training, travel to conferences, etc. The committee will make recommendations for the appropriate minimum levels of funding.
2) The FDC shall collaborate with the staff at the Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) and with faculty members to assess the impact and effectiveness of recent efforts to increase the dissemination of information concerning faculty accomplishments in teaching, research and professional activities, and, if warranted, make recommendations for improving these efforts.
3) The FDC shall examine the appropriateness of the current GEO policies and practices for faculty leaders of Dialogue of Civilizations courses, and, if warranted, make recommendations for improving these policies and practices.
4) Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
SAC would like to take this opportunity to remind all Senate Committees that section 5.f. of the Senate Bylaws states that “The Faculty Senate, through its authorized committees of representatives, shall receive information that it needs for its studies from the staff offices of the University.”
- Portz, John Committee Chair - CSSH - Political Science
- Alverson, George COS - Physics
- Carrier, Rebecca COE - Chemical Engineering
- Ladge, Jamie DMSB - Management & Organizational Development
- Erdogmus, Deniz COE- Electrical & Computer Engineering
Financial Affairs Committee (FAC)
Background to the Charge
According to the Faculty Senate Bylaws, the Financial Affairs Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate charged with two general functions:
- This Committee is concerned with all questions related to financial affairs of the University, including institutional surveys, reviews and recommendations on budgeting, and financial policies of the University.
- This Committee shall prepare annual recommendations for the improvement of faculty salaries and fringe benefits.
Committee Charge
- The FAC shall follow up on the implementation of the 2016-2017 Senate resolution on procedures for establishing match-mates for each college/unit.
- The FAC shall follow up on the 2016-2017 Senate resolution on analysis of University endowment exposure to fossil fuel industries and options for divesting said funds, with findings to be shared with the University community no later than December 2017.
- The FAC shall examine the total faculty compensation, given the yearly increases in the cost of benefits (especially health insurance), in comparison to salary raises.
- Based upon the findings in charge 3 and a review of the 2016/17 FAC findings on match-mate institutions, FAC is requested to make recommendations for merit raises for full time faculty at the University.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
- Adams, George Committee Chair - COE
- Born, Jeffrey DMSB
- Frader, Laura CSSH
- Kelly, Kathleen CSSH
- Young, Gary DMSB/BCHS
Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee (AEOC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee oversees and receives for review evaluations of the Provost, academic deans and Unit chairpersons. These evaluations are conducted on a regular schedule, typically every three years. The timetable for such evaluations shall be maintained by the Office of the Provost and shall be provided annually to the Committee. Evaluations are performed in accordance to rules and procedures passed by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 2009 and approved by the Provost on December 11, 2009.
- This Committee appoints the faculty members who serve on the administrator evaluation teams, develops and provides evaluation guidelines, materials, and regulations for the teams, sets evaluation schedules and deadlines for the reports, reviews the outcomes, and submits the reports to the Senate Agenda Committee for final review and appropriate distribution.
- Based on its reviews, the Committee may also make recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, to the Provost, or to appropriate Vice Presidents on changes in procedures and/or evaluation instruments as deemed necessary.
Committee Charge
The Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee (AEOC) is assigned several functions, which include the following:
- The Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee (AEOC) will oversee and staff administrator review committees for the purpose of evaluating of chairs, program heads, deans and the Provost in a manner consistent with the procedures delineated in the Administrator Evaluation Process. At the discretion of the Senate Agenda Committee, the AEOC may also coordinate the evaluation of non-academic units; and
- The AEOC will review the reports from the administrator review teams, analyze the results for institutional patterns, and provide a report with recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, to the Provost or Provost’s designee, to the appropriate vice president, or, when appropriate, to the President.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
SAC requests that all evaluations be completed no later than 15 December 2017.
SAC would like to take this opportunity to remind all Senate Committees that section 5.f. of the Senate Bylaws states that “The Faculty Senate, through its authorized committees of representatives, shall receive information that it needs for its studies from the staff offices of the University.”
Sub-committee for Uta Poiger:
Dagmar Sternad (chair), Chuck Fountain, Sashi Murthy
Sub-committee for Elizabeth Hudson:
George Adams (chair), Marilyn Minus, Swastik Kar
Sub-committee for Jonathan Kaufman:
Amanda Lawrence (chair), Chuck Hillman
Sub-committee for Daniel Godfrey:
Chuck DiMarzio (chair), Penny Beuning
Sub-committee for Scott Edmiston:
Alan Zaremba (chair), George Alverson, Craig Maloney
Sub-committee for Nancy Hanrahan:
Judith Hall (chair), Jack Dennerlein, Jeff Ruberti
Sub-committee for Elizabeth Dillon:
Dan Kennedy (chair), Maureen Kelleher
Sub-committee for Matthias Ruth:
Murray Forman (co-chair), Darien Wood (co-chair)
Sub-committee for Lee Makowski:
Ivan Rupnik (chair), Tom Nakayama
Sub-committee for Joanne Miller:
Mark Niedre (co-chair), Gregory Goodale (co-chair)
Sub-committee for Jonathan Tilly:
Anthony De Ritis (co-chair), Cammy Brothers (co-chair)
- Barberis, Emanuela Committee Chair - COS - Physics
- Janikian, Leon CAMD - Music
- Lincoln, Alisa BCHS - Sociology and Anthropology
- Poriss, Hilary CAMD - Office of the Dean
- Sheahan, Thomas COE - Office of the Dean
Library Policies and Operations Committee (LPOC)
Background to the Charge
The Committee shall be concerned with policy issues involving libraries’ strategic planning, infrastructures and resource adequacy, collections development and maintenance, program and service development, and other matters of concern to the faculty as the institution strives to achieve and retain status as a top teaching and research university. This Committee shall also act as a forum for discussion on matters related to the Libraries and may act as an advocate for the University Libraries.
Committee Charge
- The LPOC shall work with the inaugural Dean of Libraries and Vice Provost for Information Collaboration to define what access to information means in the current and anticipated future environments for effective scholarship and teaching, and to identify the resources needed to support state-of-the-art work by our faculty.
- The LPOC shall work with the incoming Dean of Libraries and Vice Provost for Information Collaboration to enhance the effectiveness of communication between the Library and faculty, with a focus on sharing knowledge of available library resources and addressing unmet faculty need.
- In collaboration with RPOC, ITPC, the Provost’s Office, NU ITS, and the NU Library, LPOC shall identify and/or recommend a full suite of integrated services supporting the research data lifecycle. This group will consider protocols for data management and related data curation activities, including the option of systematic back-up of university computers. The data management working group shall include principal investigators from each College.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
- Bosso, Christopher CSSH
- Dencker, John DMSB
- Hooke-Lee, Sarah Committee Chair-SOL
- Marsella, Stacy CCIS
- O'Brien, Daniel CSSH
- Smith, David CCIS
- Cohen, Daniel Vice Provost & Dean-Libraries
Information Technology Policy Committee (ITPC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee shall be concerned with all questions relating to the development, maintenance, security, and availability of information systems and infrastructures.
- The Committee periodically reviews information systems priorities, policies, resources, and operations and, based on these reviews, makes recommendations concerning activities that may improve operations or enhance the seamless flow of data and information to the communities that depend on it.
- The Committee also makes recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, the administrative head of Information Systems, or to others in the administration (as appropriate) on matters concerning operations, resources, or policies.
Committee Charge
- The ITPC shall work with the incoming ITS Vice President to enhance the effectiveness of communication between ITS and faculty, with a focus on sharing knowledge of available ITS resources and addressing unmet faculty need.
- In collaboration with RPOC, NU ITS and ORAF, ITPC shall review existing IT post-award reporting tools within units at Northeastern and at other universities, and recommend a grant management system that will be implemented, expanded, or developed, and adopted University wide by September 2018. The grant management working group shall include principal investigators from each College.
- In collaboration with RPOC, LPOC, the Provost’s Office, NU ITS, and the NU Library, ITPC shall identify and/or recommend a full suite of integrated services supporting the research data lifecycle. This group will consider protocols for data management and related data curation activities, including the option of systematic back-up of university computers. The data management working group shall include principal investigators from each College.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged
- Beauchamp, Nick CCSH
- Brooks, Dana Committee Chair-COE
- Riedewald, Mirek CCIS
- Kaeli, David Co-Chair- COE
- Lu, Amy Bouve & CAMD
- Wihbey, John CAMD
- Whitford, Paul COS
- McCarthy, Karen ITS, Ex officio
- Nardone, Mark ITS, Ex officio
Research Policy Oversight Committee (RPOC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee shall be concerned with all questions relating to the development, maintenance, security, and availability of information systems and infrastructures.
- The Committee periodically reviews information systems priorities, policies, resources, and operations and, based on these reviews, makes recommendations concerning activities that may improve operations or enhance the seamless flow of data and information to the communities that depend on it.
- The Committee also makes recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, the administrative head of Information Systems, or to others in the administration (as appropriate) on matters concerning operations, resources, or policies.
Committee Charge
- The RPOC shall review ORAF post-award processes to identify how they can be made more efficient to better serve faculty and their funders. In particular, RPOC shall consider processes that increase faculty ability to monitor ORAF transactions. RPOC is requested to work with the administration team focused on improving ORAF policies and practices and to review the 2016/17 RPOC recommendations. RPOC shall provide its independent recommendations.
- In collaboration with ITPC, NU ITS and ORAF, RPOC shall review existing IT post-award reporting tools within units at Northeastern and at other universities, and recommend a grant management system that will be implemented, expanded, or developed, and adopted University wide by September 2018. The grant management working group shall include principal investigators from each College.
- In collaboration with ITPC, LPOC, the Provost’s Office, NU ITS, and the NU Library, RPOC shall identify and/or recommend a full suite of integrated services supporting the research data lifecycle. This group will consider protocols for data management and related data curation activities, including the option of systematic back-up of university computers. The data management working group shall include principal investigators from each College.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
- Mukerjee, Sanjeev Committee Chair-COS
- Brown, Phil CSSH/BCHS
- Hajjar, Jerry COE
- Miller, Joanne COS
- Puffer, Sheila DMSB
- Rappaport, Carey COE
- Young, Gary DMSB/BCHS
Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty Committee (FT NTT FC)
Background to the Charge
According to Faculty Senate legislation for Standing Committees, the Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty is to be charged with reviewing and making recommendations on matters affecting this population of the Northeastern University community.
Committee Charge
- The FT NTTFC shall follow up on the status of the implementation of the 2016-2017 Senate resolution that all academic units shall have clearly defined voting and other governance rights in their bylaws for all faculty, including tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track.
- The FT NTTFC shall inventory and review current opportunities for FT NTT faculty participation in faculty development activities at each level (whether unit, department, school, or college) and suggest areas for articulated inclusion.
- The FT NTTFC shall collaborate with the APC to examine the option of extending features of the Policy on Parental Teaching Relief for T/TT faculty to FT NTT faculty.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
- Arrowood, Rick Committee Chair- CPS
- Durant, Kathleen CCIS
- Gardinier, Lori CSSH
- Gonyeau, Michael BCHS
- Gundavaram, Hemanth SOL
- Hempel, Carlene CAMD
- Oyelaran, Oyinda COS
- Spencer, Denise DMSB
- Freeman, Susan COE
Academic Policy Committee (APC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee shall be concerned with questions of basic academic and research policy on an institutional level. Items to be dealt with should concern teaching loads, research procedures, academic requirements, classroom instruction, and all matters that pertain to classroom and laboratory activities.
- The Committee shall also consider any academic matter or proposed program brought before the Senate that deals with relationships between the Colleges or involves more than one College.
Committee Charge
- The APC shall follow up on the implementation of the 2016-2017 Senate resolution on development and display of full time faculty workload policies.
- The APC shall collaborate with the Student Government Association to review and possibly update the Students’ Bill of Academic Rights and Responsibilities.
- The APC shall collaborate with the Office of the Provost to review best practices at other institutions regarding University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee composition and function, including the current Northeastern model as defined in the Academic Operations Manual, and to recommend one or more models for use at Northeastern.
- The APC shall review the 1993-94 University Academic Operations Manual for updating and provide recommendations for revisions, additions, or deletions. Where changes to the Faculty Handbook are warranted, the Committee shall collaborate with the Faculty Handbook Committee on incorporation of these changes.
- The APC shall examine the option of a Senate approval process for academic programs during the summer.
- The APC shall collaborate with the FT NTTFC to examine the option of extending features of the Policy on Parental Teaching Relief for T/TT faculty to FT NTT faculty.
- Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
- Kaeli, David Committee Chair- COE
- Gouldstone, Andrew COE
- Intille, Stephen CCIS/BCHS
- McOwen, Robert COS
- Pantalone, Coleen DMSB
- Franko, Deb Vice Provost, ex officio member
University Standing Appeals Committee on Tenure (USACT)
- Abur, Ali COE - 2018-2019
- Botchkovar, Ekaterina CSSH - 2018-2019
- Burnham, Margaret SOL - 2018-2019
- Herbeck, Dale CAMD - 2018-2019
- Margotta, Donald DMSB - 2017-2018
- Onan, Kay COS - 2017-2018
- Shivers III, Olin CCIS - 2018-2019
- Smith, Wendy COS - 2018-2019
- Vaziri, Ashkan COE - 2017-2018
- Volpe, Robert BCHS - 2017-2018
- Daynard, Richard SOL - 2017-2018
- Khaw, Ban-An BCHS - 2017-2018
- Kindelan, Nancy CAMD - 2018
Ad Hoc Committees
Faculty Handbook Review Committee
Committee Charge
1) The Ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee shall review the handbook language about faculty merit, raise and compensations policies and procedures and shall propose, where appropriate, recommendations with model language for inclusion in the Handbook by November 2017. In carrying out this charge, the Committee shall consider the approved Faculty Senate resolutions on merit from 2008, and consult with the Faculty Senate’s Financial Affairs Committee and the Office of the Provost.
2) The Ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee shall consider the recommendations of other senate committees (and other NU units) in revising Faculty Handbook modules affected by revisions to the University Academic Operations Manual.
3) The Ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee shall review the Handbook for internal inconsistencies, inconsistencies with other University documents, and for language or content that may need updating. Where changes to the Handbook are warranted, the Committee shall propose a resolution with model language for inclusion in the Handbook.
4) When other senate committees are working on charges related to possible changes in the Faculty Handbook, the Ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee shall collaborate with these committees for the purpose of proposing model language for inclusion in the Handbook.
5) The Ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee shall suggest an organization model for Handbook-related materials and for recording Senate decisions.
6) Other priorities, to be determined by the Senate Agenda Committee, may be charged as they arise.
SAC would like to take this opportunity to remind all Senate Committees that section 5.f. of the Senate Bylaws states that “The Faculty Senate, through its authorized committees of representatives, shall receive information that it needs for its studies from the staff offices of the University.”
- Board, Rhonda BCHS - Nursing
- Leslie, Marina CSSH - English
- Silbey, Jessica LAW
Committee to Recommend Changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws re Composition of the Senate and its Committees
Background to the Charge
In April 2017 the following resolution was passed by the Faculty Senate:
BE IT RESOLVED That it is the Sense of the Senate, that the 2017-2018 Senate Agenda Committee charges an ad hoc committee to recommend changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws regarding composition of the Senate and its committees; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this ad hoc committee be composed of full-time faculty representatives from each college, including equal representation of tenured/tenure- track and non-tenure track faculty and the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and provide its report to the Senate by December 2017.
Committee Charge
- The Ad hoc committee shall review best practices at other institutions regarding the full-time faculty composition of the faculty senate and its committees;
- The Ad hoc committee shall offer several models for composition of the Northeastern Faculty Senate and its committees;
- The Ad hoc committee shall possibly provide an endorsement of one model over the others;
- The Ad hoc committee shall provide its report to the Faculty Senate by December 2017.
- Barberis, Emanuela Professor - COS
- Danielsen, Dan Professor - SOL
- DeRitis, Anthony Committee Co-Chair - Professor - CAMD
- Durant, Kathleen Assistant Teaching Professor - CCIS
- Franko, Deb Ex Officio member; Senior Vice Provost
- Gardinier, Lori Committee Co-Chair; Teaching Professor - CSSH
- Glick, Leonard Teaching Professor - DMSB
- Gonyeau, Michael Clinical Professor - BCHS
- Metghalchi, Hameed Professor - COE
- Patterson, Mark Professor - COS
- Wojnar, Pam Assistant Teaching Professor - CPS
University Level Academic Appeal Committee I
Committee Charge
- Randall, Janet CSSH-English
- Willey, Ronald COE-Chemical Engineering
University Level Academic Appeal Committee II
- O'Doherty, George COS-Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Singer, Simon CSSH-School of Criminology and CJ
University Level Academic Appeal Committee III
- Dennerlein, Jack BCHS-Physical Therapy
- Hill, Malcolm COS-Marine & Environmental Sciences
University Level Academic Appeal Committee IV
Committee Charge
- Alverson, George COS-Physics
- Rochefort, David CSSH-Political Science
University Level Academic Appeal Committee V
Committee Charge
- Mabrouk, Patricia COS-Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Metghalchi, Hameed COE-Mechanical & Industrial Engineer
Grievance Committee I
- Platt, Margie DMSB-Accounting
- Metghalchi, Hameed COE-Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
- Fitzgerald, Joan CSSH-School for Public Policy & Urban Affairs
Grievance Committee II
- Barczak, Gloria DMSB-Marketing Group
- DeRitis, Anthony CAMD-Music
- Waszczak, Barbara BCHS-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Grievance Committee III
- Daynard, Richard SOL
- Vitek, Olga CCIS
- Zeid, Ibrahim COE, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Grievance Committee IV
- Coley, John COS-Psychology
- Kaeli, David COE-Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Schulte, Egon COS-Mathematics
Grievance Committee V
- Lieberherr, Karl CCIS
- Mabrouk, Patricia Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Pounds, Karen School of Nursing
Grievance Committee VI
- Fenniri, Hicham COE-Chemical Engineering
- Kelly, Kathleen CSSH-English
- Rosengaus, Rebecca COS-Behavioral Neuroscience
Grievance Committee VII
- Basagni, Stefano COE-Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Godoy-Carter, Veronica COS-Biology
- Leff, Laurel CSSH-Journalism
Grievance Committee VIII
- Blum, Linda CSSH-Sociology
- Brookins, Oscar CSSH-Economics
- Zhou, Sunny COS-Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Grievance Committee IX
- Auguste, Debra COE-Chemical Engineering
- Devlin, John BCHS-Pharmacy & Health Systems Sciences
- Muftu, Sinan COE-Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Grievance Committee X
- Dickens, William CSSH-Economics
- Dimarzio, Charles COE-Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Kanouse, Sarah CAMD-Art & Design
Search Committees
Department of Pharmaceutical Science Chair Search Committee
- Khaw, Ban-an Committee Chair- Pharmaceutical Science
- Giese, Roger Pharmaceutical Science
- Torchilin, Vladimir Pharmaceutical Science
- Devlin, John BCHS-Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Pollastri, Michael COS-Chemistry and Chemical Biology
School of Law Dean Search Committee
- Spieler, Emily SOL
- Medwed, Daniel SOL - Committee Chair
- Parmet, Wendy SOL
- Gundavaram, Hemanth SOL
- Silbey, Jessica SOL
- Dyal-Chand, Rashmi SOL
- Doherty, Nicole Undergraduate Rep
- Jackson, Monaie Graduate Rep
- Parish, Susan BCHS
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Chair Search Committee
Committee Charge
- Schlosser, Ralf Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Young-Hong, Sarah Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Zimmerman, Emily Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Ruberti, Jeffrey COE-Bioengineering
- Volpe, Robert BCHS-Dept of Applied Psychology
Department of Physical Therapy, Movement and Rehabilitation Services Chair Search Committee
Committee Charge
- Cesario, Christopher Dept of Physical Therapy
- Hickey, Mary Dept of Physical Therapy
- Tunik, Eugene Dept of Physical Therapy
- Howard, Elizabeth BCHS-School of Nursing
- Sternad, Dagmar COS-Biology
Department of Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences Chair Search Committee
- Briesacher, Becky PHSS
- Orr-Skirvin, Andrew Committee Chair- PHSS
- Saczynski, Jane PHSS
- Courtney, Hugh DMSB
- Mingolla, Ennio BCHS-Communication Sciences & Disorders
Department of Health Sciences Chair Search Committee
Committee Charge
- Harlan, Sharon Department of Health Sciences
- Lincoln, Alisa Department of Health Sciences
- Maniar, Neil Department of Health Sciences
- Devlin, John BCHS-Pharmacy and Health Sciences Systems
- Bosso, Christopher CSSH-SPUA
Department of Applied Psychology Chair Search Committee
Committee Charge
- Sanchez, William Applied Psychology
- Edwards George, Jessica Applied Psychology
- Li, Chieh Applied Psychology
- Hall, Judith COS-Psychology
Department of Economics Chair Search Committee
- Dickens, William Department of Economics
- Ma, Jun Department of Economics
- Marks, Mindy Department of Economics
- Aggarwal, Rajesh DMSB-Finance
- Handel, Michael CSSH-Sociology
School of Architecture Chair Search Committee
- Maulsby, Lucy CAMD-Architecture
- Shatkin, Gavin CAMD-Architecture
- Wiederspahn, Peter Committee Chair- CAMD-Architecture
Committees with Senate Appointees
University Classroom Advisory Committee
- Day, Leslie BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Gruber, Craig CPS - Director of Homeland Security
University Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee
- Baker, Shalanda CSSH - School for Public Policy/Urban Affairs
- Meleis, Waleed COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Platt, Marjorie DMSB - Accounting Group
- Rodgers, Rachel BCHS - Applied Psychology