Senate Agenda Committee
This Committee consists of the Vice Chair of the Senate who will act as chair of the Committee; the Secretary of the Senate who will be its secretary; and four additional Senators elected annually by the Senate from among the elected members of the Senate. The election of the Agenda Committee shall take place in the spring semester preceding the academic year of its incumbency. After the annual Senate elections have been completed, the existing Agenda Committee shall call the Senators-designate to an organizational meeting for the sole purpose of electing the Agenda Committee for the forthcoming academic year. The officers of the existing Senate shall conduct the organizational meeting. The new Agenda Committee and the new Senate shall succeed to their responsibilities on July 1 or earlier with the agreement of the prior year’s Agenda Committee.
Roles for the Senate Agenda Committee:
1) This Committee arranges the agenda for all Senate meetings, submits all assignments to standing committees, and establishes ad hoc committees for special studies whenever necessary. An item of business may, however, be brought before the Senate for discussion without approval of the Agenda Committee if (i) a motion to do so is made and seconded, in writing, directly to the presiding officer of the Senate, and (ii) a majority of the Senate agrees to the discussion. The item shall then become an item of business at the next succeeding meeting.
2) The Financial Affairs Committee and the Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee shall be staffed and charged each year. The remaining committees shall be staffed and charged in most years, as needed. The Agenda Committee may also establish ad hoc committees at its discretion. Detailed descriptions of all Standing Committees are maintained in a separate document.
3) All Senate committees are responsible to the Agenda Committee and must submit their reports to it for review before presentation to the Senate. The Agenda Committee will have the right to return reports to committees if it feels it necessary.
4) The Agenda Committee also provides a regular channel for consultation and communication between the faculty and administration in matters of new programs, planning, and University policy by meeting regularly with the President and the Provost of the University.
5) The Agenda Committee shall be represented by one or more of its members on University-level committees that affect the academic endeavors of the University, including those dealing with issues such as financial planning and technology policy, and shall encourage the participation of other faculty members on these bodies.
6) The Agenda Committee meets at least once each year with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees to report on Senate actions and issues coming before the Senate, and to discuss matters of mutual concern. By mutual agreement, the committees may hold more frequent meetings.
7) At each Senate meeting the Agenda Committee shall present an oral or written report briefing the Senate on its activities.
Michael Gonyeau
Rhonda Board
Luca Caracoglia
Ted Landsmark
Earlene Avalon
Michelle Carr
Standing Committees
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC)
Background to the Charge
The UUCC is the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
The UUCC shall be composed of one full-time faculty member from each college (chosen annually by each college’s curriculum committee), the Associate Dean in charge of undergraduate programs from each respective college, one faculty-member-at-large from the full-time faculty (appointed by the Senate Agenda Committee), one representative from the Student Government Association, and non-voting members from the Registrar’s Office and the Library. The Chair of the UUCC shall be the Provost, or their designee. The Chair will vote only in the event of a tie.
The UUCC is charged by the Faculty Senate to “consider and make recommendations to the Senate concerning any proposals for undergraduate curriculum changes.” The UUCC is “the Senate’s designee in considering interdepartmental and inter-college disputes arising from matters concerning courses or programs offered or proposed.”
- Kirwin, Jennifer BCHS - Office of the Dean
- Davis, Nicole BCHS - Applied Psychology
- Raynor, Andrea CAMD - Office of the Dean
- Hempel, Carlene CAMD - Journalism
- Whalen, Richard COE - Undergraduate Student Services
- Freeman, Susan COE - Undergraduate Student Services
- George, Prasanth COS- Mathematics
- Nelson, Brent COS - Physics
- Borgida, Monica CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Jackson, Mike CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Green, Laura CSSH - Office of the Dean
- Smith, Matthew CSSH - Philosophy and Religion
- Mitteness, Cheryl DMSB - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Born, Jeffrey DMSB - Office of the Dean
- Hescott, Ben Khoury
- Strange, Laney Khoury
- Ramnath, Kathan Student
- Musselman, Cecelia Faculty at Large
Graduate Council
- Greenwood, Kristin BCHS - Physical Therapy - FL21 only
- Barry, Carey BCHS - Physician Assistant Program
- Kirwin, Jennifer BCHS - Office of the Dean
- Howe, Jeffrey CAMD - Journalism
- Harteveld, Casper CAMD - Game Design Program
- Rabrenovic, Gordana CSSH - Sociology and Anthropology
- Vicino, Thomas CSSH - Office of the Dean
- Kamarthi, Sagar COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Meleis, Waleed COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Khrapko, Konstantin COS - Biology
- Auclair, Jared COS - Biotechnology
- Pawlyshyn, Nancy CPS - Graduate Programs
- Jackson, Michael CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Banalieva, Elitsa (FL21 only) DMSB - International Business and Strategy
- Klepper, Kate DMSB - Office of the Dean
- Yang, Shiawee (SP22) DMSB - Finance Group
- Tims, Jodi Khoury - Graduate Campus-SiliconValleyKhoury
- Ahmed, Amal Khoury
- Daynard, Richard SOL - Academic
- Madison, Kristin SOL - Academic
- Rogers, David Registrar - Director, Degree Audit and Transfer
- Link Cilfone, Alissa Library - Research and Instruction
Enrollment and Admissions Policy Committee (EAPC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee will maintain regular communications with university-wide planning committees;
- The Committee shall undertake questions concerning enrollment management policy, admission goals and standards, and policy regarding recruitment and retention of students; and
- The Committee shall prepare annual recommendations concerning improvements in admission standards, recruitment practices, enrollment management practices, and related areas.
Committee Charge
- In collaboration with the Office of the Provost and the Chancellor:
(a) review admission standards for MS programs across colleges
(b) analyze performance differences, as measured by letter grades, between BS, MS, and PhD students in courses where the three groups are mixed
(c) provide recommendations on best practices to improve learning outcomes for students at all levels for these courses - Investigate the issue of ‘home college’ on student planning in combined-majors, challenges to academic advising, communication with faculty mentors, and preparation for co-op, NU-In, study abroad, and Dialogue of Civilizations programs.
- Review university efforts to address the mental health needs of students, including WeCare and UHS support, and other NU mental health resources.
- Follow up on establishment of clear and transparent procedures for advisors to refer students to WeCare
- Follow up on recommendation that Provost’s Office report to the Faculty Senate on progress in procuring an updated online platform for individual student plans for student, advisor, and faculty mentors (as moved in EAPC 2018-19 1st Resolution)
- Follow up on the following 2020 resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate recommend that the Office of the Provost allow for the immediate hiring of new advisors in Advising units with a goal that the average workload for Advisors at the University does not exceed 250 students to meet with NACADA recommendations
- Kumarasamy, Sundar Vice President - Enrollment Management
- McDonald, Ann Co-Chair - CAMD - Art + Design
- O’Haver, Robert DMSB - Accounting
- Van Amburgh, Jenny Co-Chair - BCHS - Pharmacy & Health Systems Sciences
- Wood, Darien COS - Physics
- Zulick, Elizabeth CPS- Undergraduate Programs
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
Background to the Charge
This Committee is concerned with the rights and status of faculty personnel, including standards of tenure, promotion, and advancement for university faculty; and questions of professional development, academic freedom, and economic welfare.
Committee Charge
- In collaboration with the Dialogues of Civilizations (DOC) Advisory Board, evaluate GEO policies and procedures for faculty leaders of DOC courses and make recommendations for best practices regarding development, implementation and communication between GEO and DOC faculty leaders.
- Evaluate GEO’s progress on development of a sustainable and strategic multi-year plan that supports the needs of our students and faculty, and that addresses the concerns raised in regular surveys of faculty and students.
- As the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic will extend past one year, review and make recommendations regarding tenure and promotion with the goal to maximize flexibility and transparency.
- In collaboration with FTNTTF committee, review promotion criteria for FTNTTF across all colleges and identify areas for standardization (i.e. evaluation of teaching) following the one faculty model
- Review remote work strategy employed during the COVID 19 pandemic and make recommendations regarding efficient and flexible work arrangement options for the future.
- In collaboration with the APC, evaluate what student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are being used other than or in addition to TRACE across the university to evaluate teaching and learning for common categories of classes, including lecture, online, hybrid/remote, labs, pop-ups, and DOCs (Senate resolution #19, 3/18/20) and make recommendations regarding which of these SETs should be adopted university wide, and/or additional or alternative SETs that may be used. Include the inclusivity of learning environment recommendations from SGA (Senate resolution #13, 3/18/20)
- Evaluate mentorship structures across colleges and make recommendations regarding university wide mentoring processes, with specific reference to the identification of multiple mentors and the development of diverse mentoring networks
- Detwiler, Darin Co-Chair - CPS - Graduate Programs
- Hayward, Lorna Co-Chair - BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Lerner, Neal CSSH - English
- Lykourinou, Vaso COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- McSherry, Frances CAMD - Theater
Financial Affairs Committee (FAC)
Background to the Charge
According to the Faculty Senate Bylaws, the Financial Affairs Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate charged with two general functions:
- This Committee is concerned with all questions related to financial affairs of the University, including institutional surveys, reviews and recommendations on budgeting, and financial policies of the University.
- This Committee shall prepare annual recommendations for the improvement of faculty salaries and fringe benefits.
Committee Charge
- Considering increases in the cost of living and the special circumstances induced at the end of COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee shall:
a. examine the total faculty compensation
b. review match-mate institution data and compare salary raises
c. make recommendations for 2022 merit raises for full time faculty
2. The Committee should monitor the progress on a number of issues from past Senate approved FAC reports that have either been tabled or otherwise yet to be addressed:
a. In collaboration with the Provost’s office, follow up on the 2018/19 report on housing and faculty
b. Transportation and parking:
i. Review area universities re: faculty and staff incentives regarding transportation (i.e. parking, public transit) and recommend NU incentives
ii. Evaluate opportunities for improvement in ride share parking spaces across available NU parking lots and examine extension of the discount/voucher policies established during COVID-19 lockdowns
c. In collaboration with human resources, explore feasibility of including a “two-person” option for university offered healthcare plans
d. Evaluate efforts to include the Recreation Center Fee as part of the benefits to faculty
3. The Committee, in collaboration with the FTNTTFC and University Decision Support, shall:
a. nnual review of granular match-mate data for FTNTT faculty salaries that have been shared by the Provost’s Office and the Deans of the three colleges involved in the equity process in 2021
b. Propose guidelines to expand the evaluation of FTNTT salaries to other colleges along with data from the Colonial Group
c. Make recommendations regarding FTNTT faculty compensation.
4. Whereas faculty and staff are reciving information regarding a Blue Cross Blue Shield Class Action Suit, work with University Administration to evaluate eligibility of faculty and staff, and communicate information prior to the November 1st, 2021 deadline for claim submission.
5. Evaluate the recently established university faculty equity process with regard to process and faculty and adminstrator satisfaction and make recommendations for process improvement as appropriate.
6. The committee shall review progress on senate resolution 4-21-2021 regarding “costs and custodian for fund selections” in retirement accounts, and the implementation of the Vanguard Target Fund option as part of 403(b).
- Alpert, Shannon CPS - Graduate Programs
- Copeland, Debra Committee Chair - BCHS - Pharmacy OEE
- McNabb, Joseph CPS - Graduate Programs
- Metghalchi, Hameed COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Saito, Blaine SOL - School Of Law-Academic
- Young, Gary CSSH - International Business and Strategy
- Caracoglia, Luca Ex officio - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee (AEOC)
Background to the Charge
- This committee oversees and receives for review evaluations of the Provost, academic deans and unit chairpersons. These evaluations are conducted on a regular schedule, typically every three years. The timetable for such evaluations shall be maintained by the Office of the Provost and shall be provided annually to the committee. Evaluations are performed in accordance with rules and procedures passed by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 2009 and approved by the Provost on December 11, 2009.
- This committee appoints the faculty members who serve on the administrator evaluation teams, develops and provides evaluation guidelines, materials, and regulations for the teams, sets evaluation schedules and deadlines for the reports, reviews the outcomes, and submits the reports to the Senate Agenda Committee for final review and appropriate distribution.
- Based on its reviews, the committee may also make recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, to the Provost, or to appropriate Vice Presidents on changes in procedures and/or evaluation instruments as deemed necessary.
Committee Charge
- Complete AEOC process for identified administrators for ’21-22 academic year
- Evaluate current AEOC process and provide recommendations for improvements
- Barenberg, Sumner COE - Bioengineering
- Costa, Xavier CAMD - Architecture
- Harrington, Kelly DMSB - Co-op
- Kevoe Feldman, Heidi CAMD - Communication Studies
- Hechtman, Julia CAMD - Art + Design
- Mahler, Elizabeth CPS - Graduate Programs
- Shefelbine, Sandra Committee Chair - COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Siefert, Mary Lou BCHS - School Of Nursing
- Szelenyi, Balazs CPS - International Programs
- Winter, Eric CSSH - Coop
- Wales, Thomas COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Information Technology Policy Committee (ITPC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee shall be concerned with all questions relating to the development, maintenance, security, and availability of information systems and infrastructures.
- The Committee periodically reviews information systems priorities, policies, resources, and operations and, based on these reviews, makes recommendations concerning activities that may improve operations or enhance the seamless flow of data and information to the communities that depend on it.
- The Committee also makes recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, the administrative head of Information Systems, or to others in the administration (as appropriate) on matters concerning operations, resources, or policies.
Committee Charge
- Propose options for changes to faculty workload (i.e. teaching, service and research) to advance the NU enterprise with exploration and integration of teaching and learning technology
- In collaboraton with CATLR and the Provost’s office, explore the feasibility of developing a Fellowship program for faculty who have a passion and desire to be pedagogoical consultants or mentors for peers. This Fellowship program ensures a formal recognition for faculty who are contributing in meaningful ways for tenure and promotion.
- In collaboration with the Provost and Chancellor’s offices, evaluate student motivation for on-ground in-person attendance versus remote online synchronous lectures and provide recommendations regarding the future of hybrid and NUFlex teaching and learning modalities that can leverage and enhance our 21st century international, multi-campus university
- In collaboration with RPOC, LICC, the Provost’s Office and NU ITS, evaluate the university’s integrated services that support the research data lifecycle, including protocols for data management and related data curation activities, and solutions for research data storage management
- Bessette, Michael BCHS - Physician Assistant Program
- Camplese, Cole VP Info Technology & CIO
- Desnoyers, Peter Committee Chair - KHOURY
- Hodeghatta, Umesh CPS
- Lu, Amy CAMD - Communication Studies
- Patterson, Amy CSSH - English
Research Policy Oversight Committee (RPOC)
Background to the Charge
The Committee will review and assess the direction and implementation of the university’s research mission, advocate for its needs, review periodically and make recommendations on its research resources, infrastructures, and policies, serve as a research “ombuds-body” to address structural impediments and faculty complaints, and work with the Provost, the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance, the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and the President to insure the best possible environment for research and scholarship.
Committee Charge
- The committee shall review implementation of NU Senate Resolution 23, 04/10/2021 that “Provost’s Office establishes and communicates a framework and related process for agreements that would be required for shared research resources (space, facilities, equipment)”. The committee shall additionally examine progress on the university-wide adoption of the Charter Agreement Template entitled “Shared Space Charter Template”, proposed by RPOC in the 2020-2021 report.
- Following the committee’s recommendation from 2020-2021 report, the committee shall meet quarterly with NU-RES and HSRP (Office of Human Subject Research Protection) staff to (a) continue exchange of operational information and system/platform updates, (b) facilitate faculty/research staff members’ understanding of the University’s progress, and to review KPIs and progress towards goals.
- The committee shall review and propose indicators and processes, needed in NU-RES, to identify and resolve contracts, especially with non-standard agencies, foundations and external contractors, which are not progressing with effective expediency.
- The committee shall review NU initiatives for research resumption after COVID-19, along with their execution.
- In collaboration with ITPC, LICC, the Provost’s Office and NU ITS, evaluate the university’s integrated services that support the research data lifecycle, including protocols for data management and related data curation activities, and solutions for research data storage management
- Ferrins, Lori Co-Chair - COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Holloway, Kim Provost Research
- Joshi, Neel Co-Chair - COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Loughridge, Deirdre Co-Chair - CAMD - Music
- Lustig, Steve Co-Chair - COE - Chemical Engineering
- Stewart, Eric Office Of The Provost
- Venkatesan, Madhavi Co-Chair - CSSH - Economics
Library and Information Collaboration Committee (LICC)
Background to the Charge
This Committee consists of full-time faculty members from across the University who collectively utilize the range of Library/Information Collaboration resources and services. In addition, the Dean of the University Libraries/Vice Provost for Information Collaboration shall serve as an ex officio member. To facilitate continuity of policies and responsiveness to faculty needs with respect to information resources, delivery, and utilization across the University, the Committee shall establish continuing liaison with the Senate’s Standing Academic Policy, Information Technology Policy, and Research Policy Oversight Committees.
Committee Charge
- In collaboration with ITPC, RPOC, the Provost’s Office and NU ITS, evaluate the university’s integrated services that support the research data lifecycle, including protocols for data management and related data curation activities, and solutions for research data storage management
- In collaboration with NU Alumni Relations and others, assess alumni library collections access needs to develop strategies that more closely align alumni lifelong learning and professional growth with NU learning and research activities through affordable library resources
- Chang, Angela DMSB - Marketing Group
- Cohen, Dan Library - Vice Provost & Dean of the Library
- Jackson, Elly CSSH - English
- O'Connell, Sean CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Reede, Lynn BCHS - School Of Nursing
- Willey, Ronald Committee Chair - COE - Chemical Engineering
- Miller, Ted CPS - International Programs
Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty Committee (FTNTTFC)
Background to the Charge
According to Faculty Senate legislation for Standing Committees, the Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty is to be charged with reviewing and making recommendations on matters affecting this population of the Northeastern University community.
Committee Charge
- Review implementation of previously recommended best practices for FTNTT promotion processes at the departmental and college levels.
- Work with the Provost Office to develop an assessment plan (from the administration and FTNTTF perspectives) for the ongoing semester-long professional development leaves for NTT faculty
- In collaboration with the FAC, gather evidence–including, but not limited to, granular match-mate data–for a University administrative review of NU faculty compensation, identifying variables and potential discrepancies and inequities.
- Review college bylaws, guidelines and assessment criteria to standardize processes related to availability and assignment of leadership positions for FTNTT faculty across all colleges following the one faculty model.
- Evaluate FTNTTF titles and recommend any changes to bring Northeastern university’s titles in alignment with our peer institutions to allow for matchmate comparisons
- In collaboration with FDC, review promotion criteria for FTNTTF across all colleges and identify areas for standardization (i.e. evaluation of teaching) following the one faculty model
- Review AAUP guidelines and comparable higher education institutions regarding termination policies for FTNTT faculty and recommend protocols and/or changes to the faculty handbook.
- Benda, Jonathan Co-Chair - CSSH - English
- Gooley, Mark DMSB - Finance Group
- Herlihy, David CAMD - Music
- Homan, Erica COS- Biology
- Jacoby, Bruce SOL - Academic
- Konstantopoulos, Dino COE - Graduate
- Maxwell, Bruce Khoury
- Maxwell, Jessica BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Pawlyshyn, Nancy Co-Chair - CPS - Graduate Programs
Academic Policy Committee (APC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee shall be concerned with questions of basic academic and research policy on an institutional level. Items to be dealt with should concern teaching loads, research procedures, academic requirements, classroom instruction, and all matters that pertain to classroom and laboratory activities.
- The Committee shall also consider any academic matter or proposed program brought before the Senate that deals with relationships between the Colleges or involves more than one College.
Committee Charge
- Evaluate each college’s implementation of the new merit/compensation process in the Faculty Handbook (Senate resolution #1 10/02/19) and develop recommendations for any necessary modifications
Student Evaluations of Teaching:
- Review utilization of formative midcourse SET guidelines.
- In collaboration with the FDC, Evaluate what student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are being used other than or in addition to TRACE across the university to evaluate teaching and learning for common categories of classes, including lecture, online, hybrid/remote, labs, pop-ups, and DOCs (Senate resolution #19, 3/18/20) and make recommendations regarding which of these SETs should be adopted university wide, and/or additional or alternative SETs that may be used. Review effectiveness of the inclusivity of learning environment questions added to TRACE based on Senate resolution #13, 3/18/20.
- Follow up on implementation of use of SETs in merit, tenure, and/or promotion considerations, as the faculty handbook states “considerations must involve (a) analysis of multiple SET queries and (b) utilization of multiple measures of the distribution of the responses (such as median or mode) rather than only the average of responses.”
Specific questions to address:
a. Have tenure and promotion dossier guidelines been updated to include this information?
b. What criteria are used to evaluate SET data in faculty evaluation processes (annual merit reviews and tenure and promotion)?
- Evaluate the effectiveness of TRACE for meeting the university’s needs in all teaching and learning modalities (i.e. didactic, experiential etc.) in its current format and develop recommendations for any necessary changes
- Explore issues regarding SETs and faculty access, permissions and student anonymity, and develop recommendations for data analysis and use to ensure FERPA compliance
- Evaluate faculty interest in continuing to provide instruction in the NUFlex or hybrid format moving forward, as well as opportunities and implications given the university’s multiple campuses.
- Abedi, Mehdi COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Franko, Deb Ex officio - Academic Affairs
- Garneau, Kelly CSSH - English
- Goodman, Patty CPS - Graduate Programs
- Liao, Zhenyu DMSB - Management and Organizational Development
- Lorette, Connie Co-Chair - BCHS - School Of Nursing
- Mukerjee, Sanjeev Co-Chair - COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC)
Committee Charge
- Follow up on activities undertaken regarding previous charges:
The committee shall review and analyze data from recently conducted faculty surveys regarding diversity and inclusion to:
(a) gauge attitudes and perceptions of faculty,
(b) determine perceptions of where we are strongest and where there is need for improvement,
(c) provide recommendations to improve inclusivity and
(d) provide feedback on the data collection process in order to efficiently collect, organize and communicate data regarding diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategies and initiatives going forward. - Identify a point of contact in each college and other university offices for DEI strategies/Initiatives.
- (Peer Institutions) The committee shall work with Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer to review what businesses and competing institutions are doing to facilitate and improve inclusive climate, identify best practices, and report recommendations.
- Northeastern Initiatives) The committee shall collaborate with the Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer and liaise with the existing college DEI workgroups to identify, provide reocmmendations, and promote:
(a) specific diversity and inclusion initiatives which are being undertaken within each college
(b) mentoring and professional development opportunities for women and minority faculty
(c) short-and long-term goals for improving inclusion and diversity among faculty - In collaboration with college-wide DEI workgroups, the Faculty Development Committee and the Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer, identify methods and best practices to recruit, retain and advance a faculty population that represents the University’s overarching diversity goals and increasingly diverse student population.
- In collaboration with the Faculty Development committee, evaluate mentorship structures and processes across colleges and make recommendations regarding best practices that could be adopted university wide, with specific reference to the identification of multiple mentors and the development of diverse mentoring networks
- Larese-Casanova, Philip COE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Hauck, Heather Co-Chair - DMSB - Undergraduate Programs
- Hirsch, Tad CAMD - Art + Design
- Menon, Latika COS - Physics
- Reid, Karl Ex officio - Senior Vice Provost and Chief Inclusion Officer
- Shansky, Rebecca COS - Psychology
- Stein, Les CPS - Graduate Programs
- Xu, Mofei COE - Graduate
- Young, Lydia CPS - Graduate Programs
- He, Phil Co-Chair - Office Of The Provost - Vice Provost of Faculty Diversity
Committee on Climate Justice Action Planning
Committee Charge
Demonstrate leadership in climate justice through our actions as an anchor institution in our research, teaching, experiential learning, investments (managing our endowment), campus operations, and our engagement with the cities and communities in which our campuses are located.
- Develop a definition of climate justice action within a global university such as Northeastern.
- Develop communication strategy(ies) for the university community to engage in discussions surrounding climate justice and options for activism.
- Provide recommendations to update and expand on the University’s 2010 Climate Action Plan by including modifications that emphasize a university-wide commitment to climate justice action.
- Implement specific steps to enable Northeastern to operationalize climate justice action, including suggestions on specific mechanisms for climate justice action to align with the university’s new strategic plan.
- Follow up on implementation of Senate resolutions from Spring 2021:.
- Ganguly, Auroop COE -Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Glowacki, Elizabeth BCHS - Communication Studies
- Kanouse, Sarah CAMD - Art + Design
- Rolland, Sonia Co-Chair - SOL - School Of Law-Academic
- Stephens, Jennie Co-Chair - CSSH - School for Public Policy/Urban Affairs
Search Committees
Health Sciences Chair Search Committee
- Bauer, Allison BCHS - Health Sciences
- Maniar, Neil BCHS - Health Sciences
- Molnar, Beth Committee Chair - BCHS - Health Sciences
- Salhi, Carmel BCHS - Health Sciences
- Goodwin, Matthew Co-Chair - BCHS - Health Sciences
- Volpe, Robert BCHS - Applied Psychology
- Wang, Ming COE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
School of Nursing Dean Search Committee
- Duffy, Lisa Co-Chair - School of Nursing
- Lorette, Connie School of Nursing
- Mathieu Gonzalez, Kristen Co-Chair - School of Nursing
- Rejtar, Marketa School of Nursing
- Dennerlein, Jack Physical Therapy
- Lin, Yingzi Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
DMSB Dean Search Committee
- Baskerville, Marla DMSB - Management and Organizational Development
- Chewning, Esther DMSB - Co-op
- Clark, Bruce DMSB - Marketing Group
- Karim, Samina Committee Chair - DMSB - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Raineri, Deanna V.P. & Sr. Vice Chancellor Digital
- Rolland, Sonia SOL - Academic
- Sceppa, Carmen BCHS - Office of the Dean
- Bell, Jacoba DMSB-MBA
- Ramnath, Kathan Honors Combined Business/Economics (Finance) Major
CPS Dean Search Committee
- McNabb, Joseph CPS - Graduate Programs
- Smith, Molly CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Watson, Natalya CPS - International Programs.
- Zulick, Elizabeth Committee Chair - CPS - Undergraduate Programs.
- Abowd, Gregory COE - Engineering Office Of the Dean
- Avalon, Earlene CPS - Leadership Division-PD
- Marion, Tucker DMSB - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Khalid, Shakir CPS - Pres. Grad. Student Govt., Candidate for MSc in Project Management
- Roberts, Alec CPS - BS Liberal Studies
SPPUA Director Search Committee
- Kuhl, Laura CSSH- School Public Policy and Urban Affairs and International Affairs
- Shatkin, Gavin Committee Chair - CSSH- School Public Policy and Urban Affairs and International Affairs
- Zellner, Moira CSSH- School Public Policy and Urban Affairs and International Affairs
- Ergun, Ozlem COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Jean-Charles, Regine CSSH - Cultures,Societies,& Global Studies
Philosophy and Religion Chair Search Committee
- Bucar, Liz CSSH - Philosophy & Religion
- Sandler, Ronald CSSH - Philosophy & Religion
- Smead, Rory Committee Chair - CSSH - Philosophy & Religion
- Rabrenovic, Gordana CSSH - Sociology and Anthropology.
- Davis, Martha SOL - Academic
Communication Studies Chair Search Committee
- Carr, Michelle CAMD - Communication Studies
- Kevoe Feldman, Heidi CAMD - Communication Studies
- Robertson, Craig CAMD - Media & Screen Studies
- Wihbey, John CAMD - Journalism
- Orr-Skirvan, Andrew BCHS - Pharmacy & Health Systems Sciences
Physical Therapy, Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences Chair Search Committee
- Hayward, Lorna BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Thomas, Adam Committee Chair - BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Stefanik, Joshua BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Volpe, Robert BCHS - Applied Psychology
- Minus, Marilyn COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
Art + Design Chair Search Committee
- Freeman, Susan COE
- Poriss, Hilary CAMD - Music
- Starr, Thomas CAMD - Art + Design
- To, Alexandra CAMD - Art + Design
- Terrado, Kate Committee Chair - CAMD, Art + Design
Bioengineering Chair Search Committee
- Bajpayee, Ambika COE - Bioengineering
- Cram, Erin COS - Biology
- Hajjar, Jerry COE - Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Niedre, Mark COE - Bioengineering
- Ruberti, Jeffrey Committee Chair - COE - Bioengineering
Committees with Senate Appointees
University Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee
- Isaacs, Jacqueline Committee Chair - Vice Provost – Faculty Affairs
- Garcia, Denise CSSH - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2020; Concludes Spring 2022
- Monaghan, James COS - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2020; Concludes Spring 2022
- Kamarthi, Sagar COE - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2021; Concludes Spring 2023
- Hempel, Carlene CSSH - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2021; Concludes Spring 2023
Global Experiences Faculty Advisory Board
Ad Hoc Committees
University Academic Appeals Resolution Committee (UAARC)
- Gradecki, Jennifer CAMD - Art + Design
- Isaacowitz, Derek COS - Psychology
- Lancaster, Jason BCHS - Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences
NUpath Assessment Committee
Committee Charge
Based on a review of the results of the 2020-21 NUpath assessment results for two attributes, Engaging Differences and Diversity (DD) and Writing Intensive (WI), develop recommendations and action plans that may include:
- Reviewing and potentially revising NUpath curriculum and approval processes;
- Suggesting strategies to increase assignment and alignment with NUpath learning goals across courses;
- Refining the NUpath assessment process, particularly that involving instructor engagement; and
- Evaluating the need for NUpath learning goals revision for DD and WI
- Ewell, William CPS - Graduate Programs
- Jaeggli, Michael Co-Chair - COE - Bioengineering
- Mathieu Gonzalez, Kristen BCHS - Office of the Dean
- Nardone, Laurie CSSH - English
- Zaarour, Nizar Co-Chair - DMSB - Supply Chain Information Mgt Group
University Academic Appeals Resolution Committee (UAARC)
- Miller, Ted CPS
- Dewan, Janet BCHS