Senate Agenda Committee
- Arranges the agenda for all Senate meetings, submits all assignments to standing committees, and establishes ad hoc committees for special studies whenever necessary, and receives and reviews committee reports.
- Provides a regular channel for consultation and communication between the faculty and administration in matters of new programs, planning, and University policy by meeting regularly with the President and the Provost of the University.
- Participates on University-level committees that affect the academic endeavors of the University, including those dealing with issues such as financial planning and technology policy.
- Meets at least once each year with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees to report on Senate actions and issues coming before the Senate, and to discuss matters of mutual concern.
Susan Powers-Lee
Deniz Erdogmus
Michael Gonyeau
Lorna Hayward
Thomas Wahl
Joseph McNabb
Standing Committees
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC)
Background to the Charge
The UUCC is the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
The UUCC shall be composed of one full-time faculty member from each college (chosen annually by each college’s curriculum committee), the Associate Dean in charge of undergraduate programs from each respective college, one faculty-member-at-large from the full-time faculty (appointed by the Senate Agenda Committee), one representative from the Student Government Association, and non-voting members from the Registrar’s Office and the Library. The Chair of the UUCC shall be the Provost, or their designee. The Chair will vote only in the event of a tie.
The UUCC is charged by the Faculty Senate to “consider and make recommendations to the Senate concerning any proposals for undergraduate curriculum changes.” The UUCC is “the Senate’s designee in considering interdepartmental and inter-college disputes arising from matters concerning courses or programs offered or proposed.”
Committee Charge
- Ronkin, Bruce Committee Chair - Vice Provost Undergraduate Programs and Policies - non voting member
- Kirwin, Jennifer BCHS - Dean of Undergraduate Affairs
- Davis, Nicole BCHS - Assistant Clinical Professor
- Raynor, Andrea CAMD - Associate Dean
- Derbinsky, Nate Khoury College - Associate Teaching Professor
- Mislove, Alan Khoury College - Associate Dean/Undergrad Education
- Beighley, Edward COE - Associate Professor
- Freeman, Susan COE - Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
- Nelson, Brent COS - Associate Dean/Undergrad Affairs
- Zee, Jade COS - Assistant Teaching Professor
- Hodgson, Lynda CPS - Associate Teaching Professor
- Jackson, Michael CPS - Associate Dean/Academic & Faculty Affairs
- Green, Laura CSSH - Associate Dean
- Heefner, Gretchen CSSH - Associate Professor
- Born, Jeffrey DMSB - Associate Dean/Undergrad Education
- Larson, Barbara DMSB - Associate Academic Specialist
- LeDoyt, Nina Senior Associate Registrar - non voting member
- Rogers, David Dir. Degree Audit &Transfer Affairs - non voting member
- Simpson, Evan Assoc. Dean - Research and Learning Services - non voting member
- Fertuck, Kirsten COS - Associate Teaching Professor - FL19 Faculty-at-large appointee
- Musselman, Cecelia CSSH - Associate Teaching Professor - SP20 Faculty-at-large appointee
Graduate Council
Committee Charge
The Graduate Council is a sub-committee of the Faculty Senate established to formulate, review, and recommend for adoption general academic policies and regulations for the creation and governance of graduate programs at Northeastern University.
- Bosso, Christopher CSSH
- Daynard, Richard SOL
- Banalieva, Elitsa DMSB
- Khrapko, Konstantin COS
- Lieberherr, Karl Khoury College
- Kim, Miso CAMD
- Greenwood, Kristin BCHS
- Salehi, Masoud COE
- Pawlyshyn, Nancy CPS
Enrollment and Admissions Policy Committee (EAPC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee will maintain regular communications with University-wide planning committees;
- The Committee shall undertake questions concerning enrollment management policy, admission goals and standards, and policy regarding recruitment and retention of students; and
- The Committee shall prepare annual recommendations concerning improvements in admission standards, recruitment practices, enrollment management practices, and related areas.
Committee Charge
- In collaboration with the Offices of the Provost and the Chancellor, the EAPC shall monitor the experience of students and other group transfer program students as they integrate into their cohorts on the Boston campus and, if warranted, make recommendations for improving policies and practices for the group transfer programs.
- In collaboration with the Registrar’s Office and other appropriate groups, the EAPC shall recommend best practices for defining and providing access to PlusOne program requirements.
- In collaboration with the PhD Network and other appropriate groups, the EAPC shall review the infrastructure and support systems for admission and enrollment of international graduate students and recommend best practices.
- Painter, Rob Committee Chair - COS - Linguistics
- Zulick, Elizabeth CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- Ergun, Ozlem COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Cain, Victoria CSSH - History
- Spencer, Denise DMSB - Supply Chain Information Mgt Group
- Kumarasamy, Sundar Vice President -Enrollment Management
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
Background to the Charge
This Committee is concerned with the rights and status of faculty personnel, including standards of tenure, promotion, and advancement for University faculty; and questions of professional development, academic freedom, and economic welfare.
Committee Charge
- The FDC shall evaluate and, if necessary, revise and/or recalibrate the TRACE instrument, including consideration of customized TRACE surveys for online courses, labs, DOCs, etc.
- The FDC shall make recommendations on optimal administration of TRACE and of NUPath survey questions. The Office of the Chancellor should be consulted about NUPath survey logistics.
- These recommendations should be made before February 2020 so that any revisions can be used in Spring 2020. If appropriate, the FDC could recommend addition of SGA-suggested diversity/inclusion queries to the TRACE survey starting in Fall 2019, with a report deadline of October 16, 2019.
- Derbinsky, Nate Khoury
- O'Neil-Pirozzi, Therese BCHS - Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Maheswaran, Bala Committee Chair - COE - First Year Engineering Program and Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Bormann, Natalie CSSH - Political Science
- Smith, Wendy COS - Biology
Financial Affairs Committee (FAC)
Background to the Charge
According to the Faculty Senate Bylaws, the Financial Affairs Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate charged with two general functions:
- This Committee is concerned with all questions related to financial affairs of the University, including institutional surveys, reviews and recommendations on budgeting, and financial policies of the University.
- This Committee shall prepare annual recommendations for the improvement of faculty salaries and fringe benefits.
Committee Charge
- The FAC, in collaboration with the FTNTTFC, shall explore sources of more granular match-mate data for FTNTT faculty than is currently available to Northeastern’s faculty cohort.
- The FAC shall examine the total faculty compensation, given the yearly increases in the cost of benefits (especially health insurance), in comparison to salary raises.
- Based upon the findings in charge 2 and a review of match-mate institutions, FAC is requested to make recommendations for merit raises for full time faculty at the University by December, 2019.
- The FAC shall review the draft institutional base salary policy and, if appropriate, make recommendations.
- Gagnon, Tim DMSB - Accounting Group
- Caracoglia, Luca COE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Kuppuswamy, Venkat DMSB - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Oyelaran, Oyinda COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Wertheim, Ed Committee Chair - DMSB - Mgt and Organizational Development
Administrator Evaluation Oversight Committee (AEOC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee oversees and receives for review evaluations of the Provost, academic deans and Unit chairpersons. These evaluations are conducted on a regular schedule, typically every three years. The timetable for such evaluations shall be maintained by the Office of the Provost and shall be provided annually to the Committee. Evaluations are performed in accordance to rules and procedures passed by the Faculty Senate on December 2, 2009 and approved by the Provost on December 11, 2009.
- This Committee appoints the faculty members who serve on the administrator evaluation teams, develops and provides evaluation guidelines, materials, and regulations for the teams, sets evaluation schedules and deadlines for the reports, reviews the outcomes, and submits the reports to the Senate Agenda Committee for final review and appropriate distribution.
- Based on its reviews, the Committee may also make recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, to the Provost, or to appropriate Vice Presidents on changes in procedures and/or evaluation instruments as deemed necessary.
Committee Charge
Sub-committee for Raj Echambady, Dean, DMBS: John Portz (CSSH) , Carey Rappaport (COE), James Monaghan (COS)
Sub-committee for Elizabeth Hudson, Dean, CAMD: Ray Booth (BCHS/COS), Jane Saczynski (BCHS), Balazs Szelenyi (CPS)
Sub-committee for Mary Loeffelholz, Dean, CPS: George Adams (COE), Arun Bansil (COS), Heather Brenhouse (COS)
Sub-committee for Jack Reynolds, Dean, BCHS /School of Pharmacy: Jane Amidon (CAMD), Robert McOwen (COS)
Sub-committee for Jonathan Kaufman, Director, CAMD / School of Journalism: Emily Mann (CSSH), Gabor Lippner (COS)
Sub-committee for Daniel Godfrey, Chair, Music Department: Alexa Carlson(BCHS),Tim Gagnon (DMSB)
Sub-committee for Jerome Hajjar, Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering: Hilary Poriss (CAMD), Adrian Feiguin (COS)
Sub-committee for Lee Makowski, Chair, COE /Department of Bioengineering: Seth Cooper (Khoury), Aaron Block (CSSH)
Sub-committee for Mark Williams, Chair, COS /Department of Physics: Anand Asthagiri (COE/Bioengineering), Andrew Myers (COE/Electrical)
- Seif El-Nasr, Magy CAMD & Khoury - Art + Design
- Muftu, Sinan COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- DiVall, Margarita BCHS - Office of the Dean
- Szelenyi, Balazs CPS - International Programs
- Barberis, Emanuela COS - Physics
Information Technology Policy Committee (ITPC)
Background to the Charge
- This Committee shall be concerned with all questions relating to the development, maintenance, security, and availability of information systems and infrastructures.
- The Committee periodically reviews information systems priorities, policies, resources, and operations and, based on these reviews, makes recommendations concerning activities that may improve operations or enhance the seamless flow of data and information to the communities that depend on it.
- The Committee also makes recommendations to the Senate Agenda Committee, the administrative head of Information Systems, or to others in the administration (as appropriate) on matters concerning operations, resources, or policies.
Committee Charge
- The ITPC shall review how university leadership can further improve involvement of future users during early planning, pilot testing, and product selection for major software products and IT services affecting teaching, research, and award management, including recommendation of a system where such suggestions are collected and shared with ITPC, IT staff, and university leadership.
- The ITPC shall review the outcomes of the CrashPlan backup service pilot program, including tradeoffs between cost and functionality. The process of evaluation and decision-making should involve input from a representative group of potential end-users from all colleges.
- Tiwari, Devesh COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Wihbey, John CAMD - Journalism
- Beauchamp, Nick Committee Chair - CSSH - Political Science
- Whitford, Paul COS - Physics
- Smith, David Khoury
- Camplese, Cole VP Info Technology & CIO
Research Policy Oversight Committee (RPOC)
Background to the Charge
The Committee will review and assess the direction and implementation of the University’s research mission, advocate for its needs, review periodically and make recommendations on its research resources, infrastructures, and policies, serve as a research “ombuds-body” to address structural impediments and faculty complaints, and work with the Provost, the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance, the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and the President to insure the best possible environment for research and scholarship.
Committee Charge
The RPOC shall review NU-RES and Accounts Payable pre-award and post-award processes to identify how they can be made more efficient and more visible to faculty to better serve faculty and their funders. In particular, the following areas should be examined:
- Expedited contract approval
- Expedited Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
- Expedited issuing of purchase orders and possible ways to decrease the number of purchase orders needed
- Future phases of ePAWs that incorporate the ability to track expenditures on existing research accounts
- Systems to make invoicing on grants more timely and transparent
- Streamlined and effective communication between NU-RES and faculty investigators and between Accounts Payable and administrative staff
- Duffy, Lisa BCHS - School Of Nursing
- Makriyannis, Alexandros George D Behrakis Chair
- Wood, Darien Committee Chair - COS - Physics
- Young, Gary DMSB / BCHS - International Business and Strategy
- Lustig, Steve COE - Chemical Engineering
- Noemi Voionmaa, Daniel CSSH - Cultures,Societies,& Global Studies
- Arnold Mages, Michael CAMD - Art + Design
Library and Information Collaboration Committee (LICC)
Background to the Charge
This Committee consists of seven full-time faculty members from across the University who collectively utilize the range of Library/Information Collaboration resources and services. In addition, the Dean of the University Libraries/Vice Provost for Information Collaboration shall serve as an ex officio member. To facilitate continuity of policies and responsiveness to faculty needs with respect to information resources, delivery, and utilization across the University, the Committee shall establish continuing liaison with the Senate’s Standing Academic Policy, Information Technology Policy, and Research Policy Oversight Committees.
The Committee shall be concerned with policy issues involving strategic planning and infrastructure/resource adequacy to ensure broad, deep, and maximally available sources of scholarly information for the entire Northeastern community, and to guide services around the creation of new knowledge by that community. The Committee shall assess information resources within and beyond the library system and shall review and recommend services that aid in the full lifecycle of student and faculty learning, research, and publication. The committee shall also consider and recommend new platforms and mechanisms that forge new collaborations and discoveries, especially across the colleges, schools, and campuses of the university.
- Reede, Lynn BCHS - School Of Nursing
- O'Connell, Sean CPS - Undergraduate Programs
- O'Brien, Daniel Committee Chair - CSSH - School for Public Policy/Urban Aff.
- Miller, Ted CPS - International Programs
- Cohen, Daniel CSSH - Vice Provost & Dean of the Library
Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty Committee (FTNTTFC)
Background to the Charge
According to Faculty Senate legislation for Standing Committees, the Full-time Non-tenure-track Faculty is to be charged with reviewing and making recommendations on matters affecting this population of the Northeastern University community.
Committee Charge
- The FTNTTFC shall follow up on professional development support, including one-term paid leaves.
- The FTNTTFC shall recommend best practices for FTNTT promotion processes at the departmental and college level.
- In collaboration with FAC, the FTNTTFC shall follow up on more granular match-mate data.
- Adrien, Laura COE - Graduate
- Benda, Jonathan CSSH - English
- Bonaci, Tamara Graduate Campus-Seattle Khoury
- Carr, Michelle CAMD - Communication Studies
- Clark, Edmund (Ted) DMSB - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Durant, Kathleen Co-Chair - Khoury
- Lykourinou, Vaso COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Maxwell, Jessica BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Wojnar, Pam Co-Chair - CPS - Graduate Programs
Academic Policy Committee (APC)
Background to the Charge
- The Committee shall be concerned with questions of basic academic and research policy on an institutional level. Items to be dealt with should concern teaching loads, research procedures, academic requirements, classroom instruction, and all matters that pertain to classroom and laboratory activities.
- The Committee shall also consider any academic matter or proposed program brought before the Senate that deals with relationships between the Colleges or involves more than one College.
Committee Charge
- The APC shall review options for multiple ways of evaluating teaching and make recommendations on best practices.
- The APC shall re-evaluate and, if necessary, revise and/or recalibrate the purposes for which TRACE and other teaching evaluations are used. The purposes for TRACE were previously considered to include: (a) Accurately record and effectively disseminate student satisfaction with their educational experiences at Northeastern University. In addition, an enhanced sense of student involvement in evaluation may contribute to the desirable goal of having students take some responsibility in the long-term for the quality of their education; (b) Provide assessment information that will promote faculty development; and (c) Provide peer and administrative evaluators with useful information as they consider faculty merit, tenure and promotion.
- In collaboration with the Provost’s Office, the APC shall provide a review of the effectiveness of workload policy implementation (e.g., whether all units filed a policy, whether all units executed the policy as filed, whether the policies impacted the associated merit reviews).
- Moreno, Enrique COS - Physics
- Herlihy, David CAMD - Music
- McOwen, Robert Committee Chair - COS - Mathematics
- Dennerlein, Jack BCHS - Physical Therapy
- Shapiro, Harvey CPS - Graduate Programs
- Franko, Deb Ex officio
Search Committees
Associate Dean of Bouvé / School of Nursing Dean Search Committee
- Duffy, Lisa BCHS-School of Nursing
- Rico, Janet BCHS-School of Nursing
- Ramdin, Valeria Committee Chair - BCHS-School of Nursing
- Kaeli, David COE-Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Lancaster, Jason BCHS-Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Science Chair Search Committee
- Khaw, Ban-An Committee Chair- BCHS-Pharmaceutical Science
- Giese, Roger BCHS-Pharmaceutical Science
- Torchilin, Vladimir BCHS-Pharmaceutical Science
- Devlin, John BCHS-Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Smith, Wendy COS-Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Chemical Engineering Chair Search Committee
- Amiji, Mansoor BCHS - Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Landherr, Lucas COE - Chemical Engineering
- Lee-Parsons, Carolyn Co-Chair - COE-Chemical Engineering
- Makowski, Lee COE-Bioengineering
- West, Richard Co-Chair - COE-Chemical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Chair Search
- Ergun, Ozlem Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Hajjar, Jerry Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Sipahi, Rifat Committee Chair - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Smyser, Bridget Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Dennerlein, Jack BCHS - Physical Therapy, Movement & Rehabilitation Science
College of Science Dean Search Committee
- Hughes, Randall Committee Chair - Marine and Environmental Sciences
- Dahlgaard, Emily Psychology PhD student
- Eskew, Rhea Psychology
- Hackney, James Dean School of Law
- Hope,David Biology BS student
- McOwen, Robert Mathematics
- Oyelaran, Oyinda Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Sternad, Dagmar Biology and Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Vespignani, Alessandro Physics, Health Sciences, and Khoury College of Computer Sciences
College of Engineering Dean Search Committee
- Makowski, Lee Committee Chair - Bioengineering
- Brodley, Carla Khoury College of Computer Sciences
- Caracoglia, Luca Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Ebong, Eno Chemical Engineering
- Freeman, Susan COE First Year Programs
- Hutchins, Olivia Bioengineering BS student
- Muftu, Sinan Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Padir, Taskin Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Tripathi, Akash Industrial Engineering MS student
Provost Search Committee
- Hajjar, Jerry CDM Smith Professor and Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Chair of the Committee
- Aggarwal, Rajesh Professor, Finance Group, D’Amore-McKim School of Business
- Clark, Heather Professor, Bioengineering and Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Greenwood, Kristin Associate Clinical Professor and Chair, Physical Therapy, Movement, and Rehabilitation Sciences
- Hackney, James Dean, School of Law
- Henderson, Ken Chancellor and Senior Vice President for Learning
- Kaeli, David Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Lazer, David University Distinguished Professor, Political Science and Computer Sciences
- Levine, Herbie Professor, Physics and Bioengineering
- JiaWei Li, Richard Business B.S. Program
- Miller, Renée University Distinguished Professor, Khoury College of Computer Sciences
- Nelson, Brent Associate Professor, Physics, and Associate Dean, College of Science
- Nisbet, Matthew Professor, Communication Studies
- Paul, Jeremy Professor, School of Law
- luca Professor of Biology, Director of Biochemistry and Faculty Senate Agenda Chair
- Prabhu, Gagan Engineering Management M.S. Program
- Shefelbine, Sandra Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and Bioengineering
- Stephens, Jennie Professor and Director of the School for Public Policy and Urban Affairs
- Thompson, Corliss Associate Teaching Professor, Graduate School of Education (Charlotte campus)
Theatre Chair Search Committee
- Hinson, Jesse CAMD - Theater
- McSherry, Frances CAMD - Theater
- Snyder-Young, Dani Committee Chair - CAMD - Theater
- Hescott, Ben Khoury - Teaching Professor and Associate Dean of Students
- Lerner, Neal CSSH - English - Professor & Chair
- Maulsby, Lucy CAMD - Architecture
Psychology Chair Search Committee
- Cisewski, Dawn COS - Psychology
- Colvin, Randy COS - Psychology
- Pearlmutter, Neal Committee Chair - COS - Psychology
- Smith, Wendy COS - Biology
- He, Phil Vice Provost - Faculty Affairs- Office Of The Provost
Mathematics Chair Search Committee
- King, Christopher Committee Chair - COS - Mathematics
- Todorov, Gordana COS - Mathematics
- Sadaka, Hany COS - Mathematics
- Miller, Renée Khoury
- Sternad, Dagmar COS - Biology
Political Science Chair Search Committee
- Mayer, William Committee Chair - CSSH - Political Science
- Cross, Mai’a CSSH - Political Science
- Garcia, Denise CSSH - Political Science
- Padir, Taskin COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Zimmerman, Gregory CSSH - School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
History Chair Search Committee
- Burds, Jeff CSSH - History
- Cain, Victoria CSSH - History
- Heefner, Gretchen CSSH - History
- Lerner, Neal CSSH - English
- Woo, Margaret SOL - School Of Law-Academic
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Director Search Committee
- Botchkovar, Ekaterina CSSH - School of Criminology and CJ
- Cuevas, Carlos CSSH - School of Criminology and CJ
- Welsh, Brandon Committee Chair - CSSH - School of Criminology and CJ
- Weinstein, Liza CSSH - Sociology and Anthropology
- Rizzo, Christie BCHS - Applied Psychology
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Chair Search Committee
- Zhou, Sunny Committee Chair - COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Lykourinou, Vaso COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Deravi, Leila COS - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Eskew, Rhea COS - Psychology
- Basagni, Stefano COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Pharmacy Dean Search Committee
- Logothetis, Diomedes Committee Chair - BCHS - Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Zgarrick, David BCHS - Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences
- Lancaster, Jason BCHS - Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences
- Parmet, Wendy SOL - School Of Law-Academic
- Van Pelt, Maria BCHS - School Of Nursing
Committees with Senate Appointees
University Classroom Advisory Committee
- Golden, Stephen DMSB - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Young-Hong, Sarah BCHS - Communication Sciences and Disorders
University Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee
- Briesch, Amy BCHS - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2019; Concludes Spring 2021
- Lerner, Ben Khoury - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2018; Concludes Spring 2020
- Poe, Mya CSSH - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2018; Concludes Spring 2020
- Sanders, Tova CPS - Two year staggered term. First term Fall 2019; Concludes Spring 2021 - joining virtually from Michigan
- Brown, Christopher (President, SGA) - Student Representative
- Prabhu , Gagan Dep (President, GSG) - Student Representative
- He, Phil Committee Chair - Vice Provost - Faculty Affairs
Global Experiences Faculty Advisory Board
- Bart, Yakov DMSB - Marketing Group
Ad Hoc Committees
Review of Emeritus Faculty Benefits
Committee Charge
This Ad hoc committee will review emeritus faculty benefits at peer institutions and, if appropriate, make recommendations for Northeastern’s emeritus faculty benefits.
- Adams, George COE - Mechanical + Industrial Engineering
- Murphy, Kellianne CAMD - Coop
- Powers-Lee, Susan COS - Biology
Undergraduate Academic Appeals Resolution Committee 1
- luca COS - Biology
- Avery-Miller, Emily CSSH - English
Grievance Committee I
- Bosso, Christopher CSSH - School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
- Hagen, Dave CPS - Graduate Programs
- Hall, Judith COS - Psychology
Grievance Committee II
- Potts-Santone, Mary-Susan COS - Biology
- Singer, Simon CSSH - School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Starr, Thomas CAMD - Art + Design
Grievance Committee III
- Kelleher, Maureen CSSH - Sociology and Anthropology
- Marpaung, Julius COE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Rochefort, David CSSH - Political Science
Grievance Committee IV
- Arrowood, Rick CPS - Graduate Programs
- Godoy-Carter, Veronica COS - Biology
- Saczynski, Jane BCHS - Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences